Biden’s Base of Young Voters, Women Significantly Lower than November 2022 A new Emerson College…

Six new Emerson College Polling statewide surveys find President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald…

Trump Supporters Rally to Cameron as Election Approaches The final Emerson College Polling survey of…

Concern for Immigration Increases Six Points in the Past Month, Driven by Northeastern Voters The…

A new Emerson College Polling survey of West Virginia residents finds Republican Governor and U.S.…

An Emerson College Polling survey of Nebraska voters finds President Trump with a 16-point lead…

A new Emerson College Polling survey in Wisconsin finds former President Donald Trump and President…

Residents’ Opinions Split on Gov. Brad Little An Emerson College Polling survey in Idaho finds…

Casey Holds Eight-Point Lead Over McCormick in 2024 Matchup An Emerson College Polling survey of…