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Before the Economy Reopens, New Yorkers Need More Testing and Assurances of Safety in the Workplace – CUNY SPH COVID-19 Survey

…of landlines (n=475), SMS-to-online (n=327), and an online panel provided by MTurk and Survey Monkey (n=197). In the Statewide results, data was collected using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system…

Majority of Americans find the US-UK alliance to be more important than it was five years ago

…of 20 cases. The survey was administered by contacting landline telephones via IVR, cell phones via text message, and online panel. Data was collected between September 28-October 1, 2021.…

California 2024: Tight Race for U.S. Senate Nomination Between Schiff, Porter, Garvey, and Lee; Plurality Remain Undecided

…Newsom 21%, Williamson 7%, and Phillips 2%. Thirteen percent are undecided. Biden holds a 41% job approval among California voters, while 44% disapprove of the president. Governor Newsom holds a…

February 2022 National Poll: Inflation Tops Nation’s Concerns, Perception of Covid’s Public Health Threat Drops

…these voters, Fox News was rated as the most relied upon news channel by 48% of voters, 21% rely on CNN, 17% on MSNBC, eight percent on Newsmax, five percent…

North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Arizona 2020: Tight Races in Battleground States Leading into Party Conventions

…of respondents believe that learning online is worse than learning in-person. Only 12% believe that learning online is equal to in-person instruction and the remaining 26% believe that an online…

Unlocking the Hispanic Vote Florida: Republican Party Just as Favorable as Democratic Party Among Florida Hispanics, Viewed Nine-Points More Positively in South Florida

…cable or network news as their main source of information; 23% rely on social media, and 13% rely on local news.  Regionally, respondents in North Florida and the Orlando area…

Spaniards More Hopeful than New Yorkers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

…news about Coronavirus from television: TVE was their most trusted news outlet with 26%, followed by LeSexta at 18%, Telecinco at 11% and television “of my autonomous community” at 10%. No other…

December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

Social Media is the Primary News Source for Voters Under 30; 76% of Young Voters Say Their Parents’ Generation Had Better Economic Opportunity Than Their Own A new Emerson College…

South Carolina 2020 Poll: Biden leads Primary Field by Wide Margin; President Trump Popular with Base

…an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines only (n=423) and an online panel provided by Amazon Turk and Dynata (n=332). Visit our website at ​​.  Follow us on Twitter…