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New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 2: Sanders Lead Extends Further

The second of a continuous eight day 7 News/ Emerson College Polling tracking poll of New Hampshire Democratic Voters finds Senator Bernie Sanders with a commanding lead in the Granite…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 3: Buttigieg Gets An Iowa Bounce, Sanders Maintains Strong Lead

…at 32%. Former VP Joe Biden comes in third at 13%, followed by Senator Amy Klobuchar at 11%, and Senator Elizabeth Warren at 11%. No other candidate reached double digits….

Emerson College Survey Finds Audience Favors Joker for Best Picture

…streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon or Hulu at least a few times a year. Although, most moviegoers attend the cinema just a few times a year at 46% while…

South Carolina 2020: Biden Poised to Win His First Contest

…2020, n=550, +/-4.1%. Compared to the last Emerson College poll of South Carolina from March 2019, Biden and Sanders have risen four points each, Buttigieg has gained 11 points, Klobuchar…

Texas 2020: Sanders with Slight Lead Over Biden Heading Into Super Tuesday

…and Businessman Tom Steyer at 2%.  Compared to the last Emerson College poll of Texas in August, Sanders gained 15 points, Biden dropped two points, Warren fell three points, Klobuchar…

Ohio 2020: Biden with Large Lead Over Sanders in the Buckeye State

…their minds in the last month are leaning towards Biden at 58% to Sanders at 39%, and voters who made up their minds before that are for Biden at 46%…

California 2024 Poll: Schiff and Garvey Gain Support in Crowded Primary

…the Republican Presidential Primary, 62% of voters support Donald Trump, 10% Nikki Haley, 6% Ron DeSantis, and 7% Vivek Ramaswamy, who dropped out of the race after the poll completed…

New Jersey 2024 Poll: Majority of Democrats Support Kim for U.S. Senate Nomination

…independent candidate, 17% support the senator rather than a hypothetical Democratic or Republican candidate, compared to 6% of white voters,” Kimball noted. “Additionally, 24% of voters under 30 support Menendez…

NYC Congressional Polls: Voters Not Sold on DeBlasio in NY10; Maloney Has 10-point Lead Over Nadler in NY12

…York City Mayor while 46% disapprove. Adams’ approval is lower in the 12th: 23% approve and 54% disapprove of the job he is doing as mayor.  For voters in the…