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Ohio 2020: Biden with Large Lead Over Sanders in the Buckeye State

…their minds in the last month are leaning towards Biden at 58% to Sanders at 39%, and voters who made up their minds before that are for Biden at 46%…

NYC Congressional Polls: Voters Not Sold on DeBlasio in NY10; Maloney Has 10-point Lead Over Nadler in NY12

…York City Mayor while 46% disapprove. Adams’ approval is lower in the 12th: 23% approve and 54% disapprove of the job he is doing as mayor.  For voters in the…

Montana 2020: Trump Holds Strong as Biden Coalesces Support

…however, there is likely a ceiling to how close he can get”. The US Senate race appears competitive with incumbent Republican Steve Daines leading with 50% support. His Democratic opponent,…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…of somewhat uncertainty, with 33%. Republican voters lead amongst those who reported they will have no confidence in the election results, with 11% compared to 8% of Independents and 2%…

Michigan 2020: Democrats Hold 10 Point Leads in Presidential and US Senate Races

…a minor to no threat are breaking for Trump. This is a consistent trend seen in the previous Emerson polls in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. When it comes to voters’ plans for how…

October 2020 National Poll: Biden with Five-Point Lead One Week Out

…margin ranging from two to five points, with Biden’s strongest number coming this month at 50%. Seventy-five percent of voters say they made up their mind of who to support…

Illinois 2022: Republican Voters are Undecided in Gubernatorial and Senate Primaries; Split on Abortion Legality

…Piton at 6%, and Kathy Salvi at 5%. Republican primary voters were asked which of the following statements comes closest to their position on abortion: legal in all cases, legal…

Pennsylvania 2022 GOP Poll: David McCormick Leads Primary for U.S. Senate

…increases when undecided voters are asked who they lean towards, compared to Oz who seems to lack a clear base, and sees less growth than McCormick, Bartos or Barnette.” In…

Georgia 2022 Poll: Herschel Walker Leads Senator Warnock 49% to 45%

…leads the field of Republican candidates for the nomination with 57% of the vote, his closest competitor is Gary Black at 13%; 16% are undecided. Warnock leads the Democratic Senate…