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Arizona 2022: Dead Heat in Republican Gubernatorial Nomination; Masters With 18-Point Lead in for US Senate Nomination

…Taylor Robson favorably, intensity of their support is unique. Taylor Robson holds higher overall favorables (64%) compared to Lake (57%). However voters feel more intensely about Lake–39% view her very…

South Carolina 2020 Poll: Biden leads Primary Field by Wide Margin; President Trump Popular with Base

…in the Democratic Primary for President. Biden leads with 37% of the vote, followed by Sanders with 21%. Kamala Harris comes in third with 9%, Cory Booker has 6%, while…

April 2019 National Poll: Bernie Takes Lead for Democratic Nomination, Mayor Pete On The Move

…more compared to last year, with 29% saying they are paying less, and 35% saying they are paying about the same. Of those who said they were receiving a tax…

North Carolina 2020: Biden with Early Lead on Trump and Democratic Primary Field

…registered Democrat as compared to the Sanders voter who is more likely to be Independent.” Kimball adds, “if this trend holds, those states that have closed primary/caucuses will present a…

California 2020: Biden, Sanders, Warren in Statistical Tie in Democratic Primary; Harris Struggles in Home State

…she is unable to gain momentum in Iowa or New Hampshire, come Super Tuesday she might have a similar fate to Sen. Marco Rubio in 2016, when he was unable…

Ohio 2020: Statistical Dead-heat with Biden, Sanders, and Warren in Democratic Primary

A new poll of Ohio voters finds a very competitive Democratic primary between former Vice President Joe Biden at 29%, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 27% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at…

Iowa 2020: Biden and Sanders neck and neck in Democratic Field, Mayor Pete jumps to double digits

…Buttigieg. President Trump is in a comfortable position for re-election as the Republican party’s nominee in Iowa, with 90% of voters indicating that they would support him over former Massachusetts…

November 2019 National Poll: Support for Impeachment Declines; Biden and Sanders Lead Democratic Primary

…have for the police. 59% said they have a great deal of respect, 31% said they have some respect, and 10% have hardly any respect. This is in comparison to…

Massachusetts 2020: Kennedy Leading Markey by 16 points in US Senate Race

…Biden is that only 54% of Massachusetts voters expect him to win the election, despite his holding a 30 point lead in the Commonwealth. 46% believe that Trump will win…