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August 2024 National Poll: Harris 50%, Trump 46%

…closing ceremonies, 3 in 5 voters are excited for the Olympics to be held in Los Angeles in 2028; 40% are not excited. Forty-five percent are completely (21%) or fairly…

New Mexico 2022: Democratic Governor Lujan Grisham Holds Five-Point Lead Over Ronchetti in Gubernatorial Election

…and 41% view Ronchetti unfavorably. Nine percent are unsure or have never heard of Ronchetti, compared to 2% who have not heard of or are neutral toward Lujan Grisham.  “Of…

New Hampshire 2024 Poll: Harris 50%, Trump 46%

…increase in support among younger voters: Harris has a 17-point lead among voters under 30 on the ballot with independent candidates compared to Biden leading by four among this group…

Arizona 2024: Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s Independent Candidacy Could Help Democrats for U.S. Senate

…just reduce Biden’s support,” Kimball noted.  Hispanic voters, an estimated 19% of the electorate in Arizona, support Biden over Trump 52% to 41%, compared to white voters who break for…

July 2024 Swing State Polls

…withdraw, compared to 36% of men.  State Results % who say Biden should withdraw from the race % who say Trump should withdraw from the race Arizona 52% 45% Georgia…

July 2024 National Poll: Trump 46%, Biden 43%

…1% support Cornel West and Jill Stein respectively. Voter motivation varies by race, age and party:  78% of Republicans are extremely motivated, compared to 65% of Democrats and 63% of…

Missouri 2022: Republican Eric Schmitt Maintains Double Digit Lead Over Democrat Trudy Busch Valentine

…of her and 42% have an unfavorable view of her. Sixteen percent are unsure or have never heard of Busch Valentine, compared to 9% who are unsure or have never…

June 2023 National Poll: Third Party Candidacy Could Derail President Biden’s Reelection Bid

…however, a third (33%) are more likely to support Trump, and 18% are unsure.  “The New York indictment might be more consequential to Trump’s primary support compared to the indictment…

January 2023 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Recovers Two Years into Term, Trump Maintains Lead over DeSantis in GOP Primary

…as the top issue facing the nation, compared to 33% of those in the Northeast, 45% of those in the Midwest, and 39% of those in the West. Voters in…