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Majority of Residents in American Heartland Do Not Plan to Get Latest Covid Vaccine

…perception of the overall quality of healthcare in their region compared to the rest of the country — 37% of traditional Midwesterners said healthcare is better in their area, compared…

New Hampshire 2020: Sanders jumps to lead, Buttigieg surges while Warren and Biden slip

A new WHDH 7 News/Emerson College poll finds a major shake up in the New Hampshire primary with Senator Bernie Sanders leading with 26%, followed by Mayor Pete Buttigieg at…

Kentucky 2023: Cameron, Craft, Quarles Top GOP Nomination Contest, 1 in 5 Undecided

…24%. Kentucky Agricultural Commissioner Ryan Quarles follows with 15%. Twenty-one percent of voters are undecided ahead of the May 16 primary.  “There is a gender divide within Republican primary voters,”…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 1: Sanders Opens Commanding Lead

The first of a continuous eight-day 7 News/ Emerson College Polling tracking poll of New Hampshire Democratic Voters finds Senator Bernie Sanders with a commanding lead in the Granite State…

September 2020 National Poll: Biden Holds His Lead: Voters Split on Supreme Court Nominee Timetable

…Twenty-nine percent of Democrats were at least somewhat dissatisfied, compared with only 8% of Republicans. The plurality (45%) of Democrats plan to vote by mail, as compared to a majority…

December 2024 National Poll: Young Voters Diverge from Majority on Crypto, TikTok, and CEO Assassination 

…and within party lines,” Kimball said. Men were slightly more inclined to find the actions acceptable compared to women: 19% said the actions were acceptable compared to 14% of women….

Garcia Surges to Lead in NYC Mayor Race while Adams Holds His Base

The third PIX11 News/Emerson College poll of the New York City mayoral race finds former commissioner for the NYC Sanitation Department Kathryn Garcia now leading the Democratic primary, at 21%,…

Chicago Residents Say Crime is Top Priority for City

…split; 37% said the news media over-emphasizes crime, 32% said the news media under-emphasizes crime, and 32% said the right amount of emphasis is put on crime in the media. …

November 2023 National Poll: Trump Maintains Lead Over Biden

…Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, compared Trump’s standing in this national poll to this time last year: “Last November, Biden led Trump by four points, whereas this November, he…