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April 2019 National Poll: Bernie Takes Lead for Democratic Nomination, Mayor Pete On The Move

…both an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines only (n=599) and an online panel provided by Amazon Turk (n=315). Visit our website at ​​.  Follow us on Twitter ​@EmersonPolling…

2020 Texas: Biden and Beto in Dead Heat in Democratic Primary.

…to 27% who prefer medical uses only, and among Republicans, 44% opt for medical purposes only as compared to 22% who support full legalization. Independents are split on the issue…

May 2019 National Poll: Biden Back In the Lead for the Democratic Nomination

…could change their mind and vote for another candidate, whereas 44% say they will definitely vote for the candidate they are currently supporting. Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson Polling notes…

North Carolina 2020: Biden with Early Lead on Trump and Democratic Primary Field

…56% to 44%. In the Democratic primary, scheduled to be a part of Super Tuesday on March 3, 2020, former Vice President Joe Biden leads with 39%, followed by Sen….

Iowa 2020: Biden and Sanders neck and neck in Democratic Field, Mayor Pete jumps to double digits

…among 18-29 year olds with 44%, followed by Buttigieg with 22%. Biden leads among all other age groups with 32% support among 30-49 year olds, 29% among 50-64 year olds,…