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New Hampshire 2020: Sanders jumps to lead, Buttigieg surges while Warren and Biden slip

…hearings – 17% report that their opinion has shifted. Of those who have changed their mind, 64% have moved in support of impeachment, compared to 27% who now oppose impeachment….

Iowa 2024 Poll: Trump Remains Frontrunner; Haley Ahead of DeSantis in Race for Distant Second Place

…female vote while Haley has 21% of the male vote and 20% of the female vote. “Trump has the support of the Iowa Republican evangelical community and the non-evangelical community,”…

Emerson College Polling Launches New Research Project: Unlocking the Hispanic Vote

…English, Hispanic voters in Spanish, and Hispanic non-registered citizens in English. Texas Survey Findings and Focus Group Observations Voting: Increasing Political Engagement The survey of Texas Hispanic non-registered citizens found…

Iowa 2020: Sanders On Top Going Into Caucus Night

…on the edge of the 15% viability threshold in the first, second and third congressional districts, compared to the fourth district where she is at just 6%.”  There is also…

Nebraska Poll: Trump Maintains Lead but Biden Cuts into 2020 Vote

…by independent voters, among whom he trails Biden 34% to 35%.” He continued, “While this data suggests Biden remains competitive for the second congressional district electoral vote, 56% of independent…

Coronavirus Testing Ramps Up in the City and More New Yorkers Benefit from Public and Private Assistance – Week 7 of CUNY COVID-19 Survey

…have lost their health insurance, compared to just 6% of Asians (6%) and whites (6%). New Yorkers did report receiving a wide range of public and private, financial and in-kind…

November 2024 National Poll: Trump Favorability Jumps Post-Election; 2028 Election Kicks Off with Harris and Vance Leading Primaries

…40-59, with 60% viewing him favorably, compared to 48% among those over 70. Notably, his favorability has risen among younger voters, with 55% of those under 30 expressing a favorable…

April National Poll: 3 in 4 US Voters Say Cost of Living is Rising

…51% of men think Israel should retaliate compared to 32% of women who say the same. Twenty-six percent of men think they should not retaliate compared to 30% of women. …

December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

…while 24% disagree.  This sentiment decreases with age: 71% of those in their 30s believe their parents’ generation had better opportunities, compared to 70% of voters in their 40s, 62%…