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July 2022 National Poll: Midterm Ballot Tightens As Abortion Access Motivates Voters

…other issue group. Among the nearly 1 in 10 voters for whom abortion is the top issue, 89% are very motivated to vote this November; comparatively, 76% of voters who…

January 2020 National Poll: Biden and Sanders Battle in Two-Way Race for Democratic Nomination

…former Governor Bill Weld and former Congressman Joe Walsh. There is a sharp divide between males and females in their approval of the President’s approval. Among men, Trump has a…

California 2020: Sanders Positioned to Capture California on Super Tuesday

…issues with 22%, the economy with 21%, and the environment with 9%. Voters were split on the issue of if big tech companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google should be…

Illinois 2024 Poll: Biden Holds Nine-Point Lead Over Trump

…56%, saying there is nothing Trump could do or say that would alter their support in the coming months, compared to half (50%) of Biden supporters who said the same. …

June 2019 National Poll: All Eyes on the Democratic Debates; Biden, Sanders and Warren Separate From the Field

A new national poll finds the Democratic field coming into focus as the candidates prepare for this week’s first debates. Joe Biden continues to hold his announcement bounce, and has…

Sanders Slips in New Hampshire; Biden, Warren Take Lead

…unsure. 30% think an independent commission should create the maps, while 23% do not favor an independent commission.  Party affiliation appears to be driving this issue, as Democrats and Independents…

Pennsylvania 2024 Poll: Trump 49%, Harris 48%

…household break from Trump, 50% to 42%.” Independents are leaning slightly towards Trump, with 48% supporting him compared to 45% for Harris. Suburban voters, however, favor Harris by a small…

March 2020 National Poll: 70% of Americans Worried About Catching Coronavirus

…Bernie Sanders. Biden receives 54% support, compared to Sanders at 42%. The poll also included Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, as it was conducted before she dropped out of the race, and…

May 2022 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Drops to 38%; 1 in 3 Say Memorial Day Travel Plans Were Impacted By High Cost of Gas

…baby formula shortage in the United States. Female voters are more concerned about the baby formula shortage than their male counterparts: 82% of women are concerned compared to 73% of…