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Arizona 2022: Dead Heat in Republican Gubernatorial Nomination; Masters With 18-Point Lead in for US Senate Nomination

…Taylor Robson favorably, intensity of their support is unique. Taylor Robson holds higher overall favorables (64%) compared to Lake (57%). However voters feel more intensely about Lake–39% view her very…

California 2020: Biden, Sanders, Warren in Statistical Tie in Democratic Primary; Harris Struggles in Home State

…she is unable to gain momentum in Iowa or New Hampshire, come Super Tuesday she might have a similar fate to Sen. Marco Rubio in 2016, when he was unable…

Ohio 2020: Statistical Dead-heat with Biden, Sanders, and Warren in Democratic Primary

A new poll of Ohio voters finds a very competitive Democratic primary between former Vice President Joe Biden at 29%, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 27% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at…

November 2019 National Poll: Support for Impeachment Declines; Biden and Sanders Lead Democratic Primary

…at 59% think Hong Kong should be independent from China, 7% said they should not be, and 34% were unsure. Asians as an ethnic group were the most in support…

December 2019 National Poll: Biden and Sanders Pull Away from the Pack as Warren Falls

In the latest Emerson College/WHDH National Poll of the Democratic Primary, former Vice President Joe Biden leads at 32%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders at 25%. Senator Elizabeth Warren comes…

Massachusetts 2020: Kennedy Leading Markey by 16 points in US Senate Race

…Biden is that only 54% of Massachusetts voters expect him to win the election, despite his holding a 30 point lead in the Commonwealth. 46% believe that Trump will win…

Minnesota 2020: North Star State in Play for Presidential and US Senate Races

…are split on whether K-12 schools should open in person amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic. Forty-percent (41%) believe that schools should open, while 35% believe they should not, and 24%…

Nevada 2024 Poll: Trump with 65 Point Lead in Republican Party-Held Caucus

…competitor, Ron DeSantis, in the Republican Party-run presidential caucus, 73% to 8%. Six percent support Vivek Ramaswamy, 4% support Chris Christie, and 1% Ryan Binkley. Eight percent are undecided. “With…

October 2024 Massachusetts Poll: Harris 59%, Trump 36%

…67% would vote yes, 14% would vote no, and 20% are unsure. On Question 2, which would eliminate the requirement that a student pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS)…