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Chicago Poll: Halftime Poll of Mayor Lightfoot Administration

…likely to categorize Lightfoot as somewhat or very dishonest, at 39%, compared to African-Americans (28%) and Hispanics (26%). Voters were asked to rate the job performance of Mayor Lightfoot on…

Arizona 2020: Toss-Ups in Presidential and Senate Races

…are, compared to only 12% of Democrats and 27% of Independents in favor of the status quo. 34% of Independents prefer the public option, compared to 31% of Democrats and…

April 2020 National Poll: Trump Down But Not Out, as Enthusiasm and Expectation Favor the President

…with 15% blaming the guard and 15% blaming the students. Dr. Gregory Payne, an expert on the Kent State shootings comments, “Right after the Kent State shootings, a majority of…

Massachusetts 2020: Sanders, Biden lead Warren in her home state

…with Dementia or Alzheimer’s. When asked if the Commonwealth was giving enough support for this disease, 72% agreed there should be more support, compared to 11% who felt there was…

New Hampshire 2020: Sanders jumps to lead, Buttigieg surges while Warren and Biden slip

…hearings – 17% report that their opinion has shifted. Of those who have changed their mind, 64% have moved in support of impeachment, compared to 27% who now oppose impeachment….

Iowa 2024 Poll: Trump Remains Frontrunner; Haley Ahead of DeSantis in Race for Distant Second Place

…female vote while Haley has 21% of the male vote and 20% of the female vote. “Trump has the support of the Iowa Republican evangelical community and the non-evangelical community,”…

January 2025 National Poll: Democrats, Republicans, and Independents Agree U.S. is on the Wrong Track

…rating in the final week of his presidency. Fifty-two percent disapprove of the job the president is doing in office. “President Biden closes his term with an approval rating 12…

February 2024 National Poll: Biden Performs Strongest Against Trump among Prominent Democrats

…think she should stay in the race, 13% are unsure or have no opinion on the matter.  President Biden’s job approval remained steady at 42%, unchanged since last month. Forty-seven…

Iowa 2020: Sanders Solidifies Frontrunner Status in Iowa While Klobuchar Nears Viability

…and 49% were largely unsure.  Iowa Democratic caucus voters were asked if the Senate should vote to remove President Trump from office. A strong majority, 79%, think Trump should be…