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April 2019 National Poll: Bernie Takes Lead for Democratic Nomination, Mayor Pete On The Move

…should be broken up, 29% think they should be broken up, and 31% are undecided. 43% of voters do not support American intervention in Venezuela to overthrow the Maduro Regime, 27%…

2020 Texas: Biden and Beto in Dead Heat in Democratic Primary.

…it should remain illegal. Kimball notes: “It looks like Texas is headed, at the very least to medical marijuana in the near future. Among Democrats, 54% support full legalization compared…

May 2019 National Poll: Biden Back In the Lead for the Democratic Nomination

…both an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines only (n=604) and an online panel provided by Amazon Turk (n=402). Visit our website at ​​.  Follow us on Twitter ​@EmersonPolling…

South Carolina 2020 Poll: Biden leads Primary Field by Wide Margin; President Trump Popular with Base

…Characteristics 46% of voters agree that the President should have held office before, while 23% disagree. 72% of voters agree that the President should be an aggressive leader, while 10%…

Ohio, Texas, and California 2020: Trump with Narrow Leads in Ohio and Texas, but has Widespread Expectation of Being Re-elected

…and 43% are comfortable going to the gym with some spacing precautions. In Texas, 40% are comfortable going to a restaurant, 58% are comfortable going to the beach or a park,…

Massachusetts Public Opinion Survey of Vaccination Attitudes (July 2021)

…comparisons are made for categorical variables. A t-test is used in cases where comparisons are made for measurement variables. A Z-test is used in cases where comparisons are made between…

New Hampshire 2024: DeSantis Fades, Trump Maintains Lead in Primary

…Hampshire in comparison to Massachusetts splits by party registration; 77% of Republican voters say New Hampshire was a much better place to live than Massachusetts, compared to 41% of Democrats…

Pennsylvania 2020: Biden leads Democratic Field in Pennsylvania; Biden and Sanders lead Trump by 10 Points in General Election

…the sample size is reduced. Data was collected using both an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines only (n=565) and an online panel provided by Amazon Turk (n=242). Follow…

California Poll: Majority of California Voters Think Feinstein Should Resign

…voters think Senator Dianne Feinstein should resign from her position, allowing Governor Newsom to appoint a successor to complete the remainder of Feinstein’s term. Thirty-seven percent think Senator Feinstein should…