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NYC Congressional Polls: Voters Not Sold on DeBlasio in NY10; Maloney Has 10-point Lead Over Nadler in NY12

…concerned about the level of hate crimes in their community: 89% in the 10th and 12th respectively say they are very or somewhat concerned. Data was collected following the shootings…

Texas 2024 Poll: Allred Leads Democratic Senate Primary, Plurality are Undecided

Cruz Faces Competitive U.S. Senate November Election A new Emerson College Polling/Nexstar Media poll in Texas finds 29% of Democratic Primary voters plan to support Representative Colin Allred to face…

Montana 2020: Trump Holds Strong as Biden Coalesces Support

…52% of 18-29-year-olds supporting him. Trump is strongest with 30-49-year-olds, with 60% supporting him. Trump is also strongest in the rural areas of the state with 63% support. The President holds…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…in 2016 which is a similar trend we have seen in other states around the country.”  President Trump’s popularity in New Jersey is about 10 points below his national numbers with The…

Ted Budd Solidifies Frontrunner Status in US Senate GOP Primary

…male voters support Ted Budd compared to 39% supporting Cheri Beasley, while female voters are split: 45% support Budd and 44% support Beasley.” President Joe Biden holds a 45% approval…

Michigan 2020: Democrats Hold 10 Point Leads in Presidential and US Senate Races

…a minor to no threat are breaking for Trump. This is a consistent trend seen in the previous Emerson polls in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. When it comes to voters’ plans for how…

Illinois 2022: Republican Voters are Undecided in Gubernatorial and Senate Primaries; Split on Abortion Legality

…areas, 30% to 16%. Suburban voters are more split: 25% support Irvin and 20% support Bailey. A majority, 57%, of Republican primary voters say they are more likely to support…

Texas 2022: Beto and Abbott Matchup Likely in Governor’s Race; AG Paxton Tries to Avoid Runoff in Republican Primary

…and former Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman at 12%. Fourteen percent (14%) are still undecided. When undecided voters are allocated to who they are leaning towards, Paxton expands his…

California 2021 Recall: Governor Newsom Rebounds, Poised To Avert Recall

The last Emerson College/Nexstar Media poll finds Governor Gavin Newsom peaking, with 60% of voters voting against the recall, while 40% are voting to recall the governor. This is the…