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Minnesota 2020: North Star State in Play for Presidential and US Senate Races

…remain unsure. Divided by party lines, 73% of Republicans believe that schools should open, while 70% of Democrats believe schools should not open. A plurality of Independent voters (46%) also…

New Mexico 2020: Democrats Strong in the Land of Enchantment, but Split Between Sanders and Biden for Nomination

…districts, in comparison to the first district, where it looks like Sanders’s popularity is concentrated as he takes 38% of the vote there. President Trump has a 39% approval and…

February 2023 National Poll: 71% of Democratic Voters Think Biden Should Be 2024 Nominee

…between 35 and 49, 61% of those between 50 and 64, and increases to 67% of those over 65.” In the 2024 Republican Primary, President Donald Trump continues to hold…

Memphis 2023 Poll: Crowded Field Splinters Support in Mayoral Race

…Calico, James Harvey, Brandon Price, Carnita Atwater, Karen Camper, and Reggie Hall, all of whom received 1% of voter support. “With less than two months remaining until election day, this…

California 20th District Poll: Fong Leads Race to Replace McCarthy; Plurality are Undecided

…In the case Fong does not appear on the ballot, 33% of his supporters would vote for Boudreaux, 13% for Kirkland, and 39% do not have a second choice.  Majorities…

Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Oz Leads as Barnette Surges, McCormick Stays in Contention in Final Stage of GOP Senate Race

…those over 50 break for Oz with 38%; just 15% support among those over 50 support McCormick. Barnette does best with 30-64 year old voters with 32%. Oz trails McCormick…

Adams Takes Back Lead as Wiley Emerges in NYC Mayor Race

…maintains third place, with 15%, while former commissioner for the NYC Sanitation Department Kathryn Garcia dropped from 21% to 12%. New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer rounded out the top…

Missouri 2022: Republican Eric Schmitt Maintains Double Digit Lead Over Democrat Trudy Busch Valentine

…of police commissioners, while 47% are not too familiar or not at all familiar with it. Forty-four percent plan to vote yes on Amendment 4, while 22% plan to vote…

Nebraska Poll: Trump Maintains Lead but Biden Cuts into 2020 Vote

…prefer a car that uses ethanol fuel compared to 21% who prefer a car that uses an electric battery. Twenty-three percent of residents prefer neither.  “Democrats are most favorable of…