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August 2023 National Poll: DeSantis Fades Into Tie with Ramaswamy; Trump Maintains Majority of GOP Support Ahead of Debate

…interval of 95% a poll will fall outside the range of scores 1 in 20 times. Data was collected by contacting an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines and…

Massachusetts 2020: Kennedy Leading Markey by 16 points in US Senate Race

…consensus in Massachusetts on who Biden should choose as his Vice President. Hometown candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren was the top choice at 29%, followed by Sen. Kamala Harris at 21%…

71% of New Yorkers Approve of Governor Cuomo’s COVID-19 Response, 38% Approve President Trump’s Federal Response

…College. “Los gobiernos locales, estatales y federal deben prestar especial atención a la forma en que esta crisis afectará a los hispanos y otras minorías, a fin de evitar un…

September 2020 National Poll: Biden Holds His Lead: Voters Split on Supreme Court Nominee Timetable

…than other countries around the world. However, there is a huge divide between parties on this view; 77% of Democrats say the US is handling coronavirus worse than other countries, as compared…

Colorado, Missouri, Ohio, and South Dakota 2024 Polls: Biden Underperforming Among Women and Young Voters

…undecided.  Education & Party Divides Colorado voters whose highest level of education is high school or less prefer Trump over Biden, 42% to 25%. Biden leads Trump among college graduates…

November 2022 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Remains Underwater As Majority of GOP Voters Support Trump As Republican Nominee for 2024

…carry with them higher margins of error, as the sample size is reduced. Data was collected using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines and an online panel.  ###…

Missouri 2022: Former Governor Greitens Leads GOP Primary for US Senate; Over 1 in 4 Remain Undecided

…crime at 8%. Covid came in at the bottom at .3%. Regarding immigration, respondents were asked what comes closer to their viewpoint: immigration should not increase because it will cost…

Nevada 2024 Poll: Trump 44%, Biden 41%

…Trump does not deserve another chance to run, while 47% think he does deserve another chance.  In a hypothetical U.S. Senate election between Democratic Senator Jacky Rosen and Republican Sam…

April 2020 National Poll: Trump Down But Not Out, as Enthusiasm and Expectation Favor the President

A new Emerson College Polling national poll finds President Trump’s approval rating at 41% approval, with 50% disapproval. This indicates a 5 point swing in both directions since March, when his…