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…find some of these privacy policies here:   Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: and YouTube/Google: C. Business Transfers. We may share your information in connection with a substantial…

Precisando el Voto Hispano en la Florida: El Partido Republicano es Igual de Favorable que el Partido Demócrata, y Visto Más Positivamente por Nueve Puntos Entre Hispanos en el Sur de la Florida

…y el dinero. Porque muchos de estos candidatos… no hacen cosas solo porque alguien los respalda con millones y millones de dólares… gobernadores, senadores, alcaldes, todos. Y luego Trump… bueno,…

May 2022 National Poll: 50 Years After Kent State

…are more divided today than after the shootings at Kent State reflects, especially in the wake of the pandemic, reflects there are critical and immediate challenges for leaders at all…

Middle West Review and Emerson College Polling Launch Largest-ever Study on Midwestern Identity

…College Polling conducted statewide surveys in 22 states from October 1-4, 2023. Sample size varies by state, and each state’s sample can be found in the Full Results.Samples sizes ranged…

Before the Economy Reopens, New Yorkers Need More Testing and Assurances of Safety in the Workplace – CUNY SPH COVID-19 Survey

…they feel are necessary for them to return to work outside their homes. They are also uncertain about reopening public schools, colleges or universities in the fall. These are the major…

Majority of Americans find the US-UK alliance to be more important than it was five years ago

…of 20 cases. The survey was administered by contacting landline telephones via IVR, cell phones via text message, and online panel. Data was collected between September 28-October 1, 2021.…

Impacto Económico Pesa Mucho Sobre Hispanos en Colorado, Según Encuesta y Grupos Focales

…Colorado, “era como sabes que ese es tu deber cívico, vives en un país libre. Así que ya sabes, tienes derecho a votar.”  A los votantes de Colorado se les…

CUNY New York City COVID-19 Survey Week 5

…comes to schoolwork delivered on-line, families with fewer years of education and those responding in Spanish experience the greatest challenges. Their children risk falling behind in the future and deserve…

Ohio 2024 Poll: Brown Tops Potential GOP Opponents in the U.S. Senate Race

…receives 42%, Moreno 32%, while 26% are undecided or supporting someone else.  Since last month’s Ohio poll, Republican candidates’ support has generally stayed consistent: Dolan maintained 38%, LaRose’s support decreased…