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New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…of somewhat uncertainty, with 33%. Republican voters lead amongst those who reported they will have no confidence in the election results, with 11% compared to 8% of Independents and 2%…

October 2020 National Poll: Biden with Five-Point Lead One Week Out

…margin ranging from two to five points, with Biden’s strongest number coming this month at 50%. Seventy-five percent of voters say they made up their mind of who to support…

Illinois 2022: Republican Voters are Undecided in Gubernatorial and Senate Primaries; Split on Abortion Legality

…a candidate if former President Donald Trump supports them.  “Both Bailey and Irvin would benefit from a Trump endorsement; however, Irvin also leads with voters who are less likely to…

Pennsylvania 2022 GOP Poll: David McCormick Leads Primary for U.S. Senate

…increases when undecided voters are asked who they lean towards, compared to Oz who seems to lack a clear base, and sees less growth than McCormick, Bartos or Barnette.” In…

Georgia 2022 Poll: Herschel Walker Leads Senator Warnock 49% to 45%

…leads the field of Republican candidates for the nomination with 57% of the vote, his closest competitor is Gary Black at 13%; 16% are undecided. Warnock leads the Democratic Senate…

Georgia 2020: Incumbent Republicans with Slight Advantages in Senate Run-Offs

…the Atlanta area, with 81% breaking for Warnock and 77% for Ossoff. Republicans lead south of Atlanta with Loeffler performing slightly better with 58% support, as compared with 57% for…

Buffalo, NY: Incumbent Mayor Brown Continues to Lead Mayoral Race with Write-In Campaign

…from August. Six percent (6%) of voters are undecided, and 4% plan to vote for someone else. When presented with the question of who they were planning to vote for,…

California 2021 Recall: Governor Newsom Rebounds, Poised To Avert Recall

…over 65 oppose the recall 54% to 45%.  Those with a college degree are slightly more likely to be against the recall (62% to 38%), compared to those without a…

Boston Mayoral Poll: Wu Extends Lead in Preliminary Election, Second Place Still A Dead Heat

…support for Mayor, housing (21%) and education/schools (21%) were the most common top issues. Other listed issues were Covid-19 (10%), crime (9%), healthcare (8%), the environment (8%), jobs (6%), and…