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NYC Mayoral Poll: Adams New Leader in NYC Mayor Race As Field Remains Open

…from 6% to 15%, and former commissioner for the NYC Sanitation Department Kathryn Garcia jumped from 5% to 8%. Twenty-three percent (23%) of voters reported being undecided. When voters were…

Economic Toll Weighs Heavy on Colorado Hispanics, Poll and Focus Groups Find

…community for survey respondents at 14%. Non-registered citizens in the survey were more likely to report housing and crime as pressing problems facing their communities compared to voters. A 62-year-old…

February 2021 National Poll: America Giving Biden a Chance; Split on Trump Impeachment

…19% saying they are neutral. Despite Biden’s relatively high approval, a majority (54%) state they believe things are on the wrong track in the country, compared to 46% who believe…

August 2019 National Poll: Sanders Closing Gap with Biden; Mayor Pete Fades

…Sen. Bernie Sanders gained some ground from the previous poll, with his numbers up for the second time in a row from 20% to 24%. Sen. Elizabeth Warren holds at…

Kentucky 2023: Cameron, Craft, Quarles Top GOP Nomination Contest, 1 in 5 Undecided

…24%. Kentucky Agricultural Commissioner Ryan Quarles follows with 15%. Twenty-one percent of voters are undecided ahead of the May 16 primary.  “There is a gender divide within Republican primary voters,”…

New Hampshire 2020: Sanders Holds Lead; Klobuchar Surges to Double Digits

…loyal to their chosen candidate, while 53% might vote for someone else. Within this question, 57% of Klobuchar supporters are committed, compared to 56% of Sanders supporters, 49% of Buttigieg…

71% of New Yorkers Approve of Governor Cuomo’s COVID-19 Response, 38% Approve President Trump’s Federal Response

…vida nunca será la misma, en comparación con el 46% que sienten que la vida volverá a ser como era antes de Coronavirus. Si una vacuna contra COVID-19 estuviera disponible,…

Georgia Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: A Third of Hispanics View Trump and Biden Positively

…woman said. For voters originating from Cuba, almost half (48%) vote because of their sense of duty. Those originating from Mexico cite a number of reasons, including duty as a…

November 2023 National Poll: Trump Maintains Lead Over Biden

…(a 15-point net shift) From +14 among Hispanic/Latino voters to +3 (11-point shift) From +12 among voters under 50 to -1 (13-point shift) From +18 among four-year college graduates to…