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Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Republicans Are Undecided in Senate and Governors Races; McCormick and Oz Tied at 14% for Senate

…to 48% of Lamb voters,” Kimball said. Caller ID The Emerson College/The Hill Pennsylvania poll was conducted March 26-28, 2022. The general election sample consisted of registered voters in Pennsylvania,…

New York State Poll: Governor Cuomo Struggling Amid Controversies

…for Covid-19 vaccines ranks as the most important current issue, followed by 28% who said an investigation into the nursing home controversy, and 10% who said an investigation into the…

September 2021 National Poll: Americans Say US Lost War in Afghanistan; Blame Bush

…undecided. Among Democratic voters, 60% said they would like to see Biden as the 2024 presidential nominee, 39% said they would rather it be someone else (n=450, +/-4.6%).  Among Republican…

July 2022 National Poll: Midterm Ballot Tightens As Abortion Access Motivates Voters

…they did in 2021, while 20% make more money and 32% make less money than last year. When it comes to saving money this year, a majority of voters (51%)…

Nevada Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: Plurality of Hispanics Do Not Trust Democrats or Republicans To Handle Inflation

…(32%) said neither party. “Wages are not going up, but everything else is,” a 51-year old female voter who does not identify with either party, said in focus groups.  Notably,…

Illinois 2024 Poll: Biden Holds Nine-Point Lead Over Trump

…56%, saying there is nothing Trump could do or say that would alter their support in the coming months, compared to half (50%) of Biden supporters who said the same. …

January 2020 National Poll: Biden and Sanders Battle in Two-Way Race for Democratic Nomination

The first Emerson College/ 7 News National Poll of 2020 finds two clear front runners competing for the Democratic nomination. Former Vice President Joe Biden leads with 30%, followed closely…

California 2020: Sanders Positioned to Capture California on Super Tuesday

…who have not voted early, 37% said they could still change their minds in who to support while 63% said they are definitely voting for their preferred candidate.  Respondents were…

Sanders Slips in New Hampshire; Biden, Warren Take Lead

…unsure. 30% think an independent commission should create the maps, while 23% do not favor an independent commission.  Party affiliation appears to be driving this issue, as Democrats and Independents…