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New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 3: Buttigieg Gets An Iowa Bounce, Sanders Maintains Strong Lead

…at 32%. Former VP Joe Biden comes in third at 13%, followed by Senator Amy Klobuchar at 11%, and Senator Elizabeth Warren at 11%. No other candidate reached double digits….

Emerson College Survey Finds Audience Favors Joker for Best Picture

…Exhibit 2 “These results show that there isn’t a clear frontrunner in the Oscar race for Best Picture among the audience as well as the critics,” said Owen Eagan, a…

Ohio 2020: Biden with Large Lead Over Sanders in the Buckeye State

…concerned about Coronavirus, with the majority, 61%, saying they are very or somewhat concerned. Only 5% of voters said they are not at all concerned, while 17% said they were…

NYC Congressional Polls: Voters Not Sold on DeBlasio in NY10; Maloney Has 10-point Lead Over Nadler in NY12

…Director of Emerson College Polling said, “Driving DeBlasio’s low support in the primary may be his job approval among his former constituents: 21% of 10th District Democratic voters approve of…

Montana 2020: Trump Holds Strong as Biden Coalesces Support

…however, there is likely a ceiling to how close he can get”. The US Senate race appears competitive with incumbent Republican Steve Daines leading with 50% support. His Democratic opponent,…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…President Trump at 38%. Among the 7% of undecided voters, 44% were leaning towards Joe Biden, 33% leaning towards President Trump, and 23% said they were leaning towards someone else….

Michigan 2020: Democrats Hold 10 Point Leads in Presidential and US Senate Races

…Trump’s recent COVID-19 diagnosis, 20% of voters said it made them more likely to support the president in November, 25% said less likely, and 55% said it had no impact…

October 2020 National Poll: Biden with Five-Point Lead One Week Out

…COVID-19 response with 22%, social justice with 15%, healthcare with 11%, climate change with 9% and the supreme court with 3%. Eight percent (8%) said something else.  Among Trump voters,…

Illinois 2022: Republican Voters are Undecided in Gubernatorial and Senate Primaries; Split on Abortion Legality

…Piton at 6%, and Kathy Salvi at 5%. Republican primary voters were asked which of the following statements comes closest to their position on abortion: legal in all cases, legal…