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Massachusetts Public Opinion Survey of Vaccination Attitudes (July 2021)

Have you received a vaccine to prevent COVID-19? Over two-thirds (70%) of respondents indicated that they have received a Covid-19 vaccine, while 24% said they have not, and 6% preferred…

South Carolina 2020 Poll: Biden leads Primary Field by Wide Margin; President Trump Popular with Base

…an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines only (n=423) and an online panel provided by Amazon Turk and Dynata (n=332). Visit our website at ​​.  Follow us on Twitter…

Pennsylvania 2020: Biden leads Democratic Field in Pennsylvania; Biden and Sanders lead Trump by 10 Points in General Election

…trusted the most, 37% said Fox News, 18% said CNN, and 16% said MSNBC. Caller ID The Pennsylvania statewide Emerson College poll was conducted March 26-28, 2019. The sample consisted…

New Hampshire 2024: DeSantis Fades, Trump Maintains Lead in Primary

…Hampshire in comparison to Massachusetts splits by party registration; 77% of Republican voters say New Hampshire was a much better place to live than Massachusetts, compared to 41% of Democrats…

Economic Toll Weighs Heavy on Colorado Hispanics, Poll and Focus Groups Find

…community for survey respondents at 14%. Non-registered citizens in the survey were more likely to report housing and crime as pressing problems facing their communities compared to voters. A 62-year-old…

February 2021 National Poll: America Giving Biden a Chance; Split on Trump Impeachment

…it would be a good idea, compared to 43% who said it is a bad idea. While Democrats are in strong support of this (85% good idea) and Republicans are…

August 2019 National Poll: Sanders Closing Gap with Biden; Mayor Pete Fades

…the environment, voters were asked of the importance of a Presidential candidate prioritizing combating climate change. 69% said the issue was very or somewhat important to them, while 31% said…

September 2023 National Poll: A Trump Bump In GOP Primary

…a significant hardening among supporters of DeSantis since August, when 25% said the same,” Matt Taglia, new Senior Director at Emerson College Polling, said.  President Joe Biden holds a 41%…

Kentucky 2023: Cameron, Craft, Quarles Top GOP Nomination Contest, 1 in 5 Undecided

…24%. Kentucky Agricultural Commissioner Ryan Quarles follows with 15%. Twenty-one percent of voters are undecided ahead of the May 16 primary.  “There is a gender divide within Republican primary voters,”…