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…find some of these privacy policies here:   Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: and YouTube/Google: C. Business Transfers. We may share your information in connection with a substantial…

Spaniards More Hopeful than New Yorkers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

…ID The Center for Global Communication COVID-19 Spain survey was conducted April 5-7, 2020. Data was collected through an online panel April 5-7th provided by Dynata Market Research located in…

Kentucky 2023 Poll: Cameron Catches Up to Beshear in Governor’s Race

…has increased among older voters in Kentucky since the October poll. A majority of voters (58%) ages 50-69 now support Cameron for governor, a 22-point increase from October, where Cameron…

Oklahoma Poll: Gov. Stitt and Biden with Low Approval Ratings

…and 7% are undecided. Oklahoma voters were asked which comes closest to their view on the 2016 and 2020 Elections,  if Donald Trump in 2016, and Joe Biden in 2020,…

Before the Economy Reopens, New Yorkers Need More Testing and Assurances of Safety in the Workplace – CUNY SPH COVID-19 Survey

…found at and JHC Impact, an initiative of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. Survey methodology The CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY SPH) survey was conducted by Emerson…

CUNY New York City COVID-19 Survey Week 5

…commentary can be found at and JHC Impact, an initiative of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. Survey methodology: The CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY SPH) survey…

Middle West Review and Emerson College Polling Launch Largest-ever Study on Midwestern Identity

…the study or to schedule interviews, contact Jon Lauck at  The complete results of the survey will be available at the Middle West Review website www.  Survey Methodology Emerson…

May 2022 National Poll: 50 Years After Kent State

…higher trust than the federal government among those polled: 18% said they trust their state government a lot, 48% said they trust their state government some, 24% said they trust…

Precisando el Voto Hispano en la Florida: El Partido Republicano es Igual de Favorable que el Partido Demócrata, y Visto Más Positivamente por Nueve Puntos Entre Hispanos en el Sur de la Florida

…combinación de grupos focales y encuestas para mejorar el entendimiento de las actitudes y comportamientos sobre la votación, cuestiones de política, y la prensa. El estudio de la Florida sigue…