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Tennessee 2024 Poll: Republican Senator Blackburn Leads Democrat Gloria Johnson in Potential Matchup

…49% of Biden supporters said the same. Twenty-eight percent of Trump supporters can think of something that could change their support, compared to 15% of Biden supporters. When asked about…

Swing State 2024 Polling: Biden Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Leads Trump in Michigan

…president’s age, a plurality of voters (32%) in the six states surveyed said the president should ideally be aged in their 50s, followed by their 60s (18%). A quarter of…

Montana 2024 Poll: U.S. Senate Tester 44%, Sheehy 42%

…42% support Republican Bridger Aerospace CEO Tim Sheehy. Fourteen percent are undecided. The last Emerson poll in October 2023 found Tester with 39%, Sheehy with 35%, and 21% undecided.  “Independent…

MOCA North Miami Survey

…sample is +/- 4.3% in 19 of 20 cases. The survey was administered by contacting cell phones via text message and online panel. Data was collected between March 1-6, 2023….

East Boston Survey

…survey was administered in English and Spanish by contacting landlines via Interactive Voice Response, cellphones via SMS-to-web, and an online panel. Data was collected between May 4-7, 2023. Full Report:…

Michigan 2024: Trump and Biden on Course for Tight Rematch

…seat.” METHODOLOGY The Emerson College Polling Michigan survey was conducted August 1-2, 2023. The sample of registered voters, n=1,121, has a credibility interval, similar to a poll’s margin of error…

South Dakota: Quarter of Residents think Gov. Noem Should be Trump’s Running Mate

…party, she holds a 73% approval rating; however, among independent voters, a 48% plurality disapprove of the job Noem is doing,” Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling said….

Pennsylvania 2024 Poll: Young Voters Hesitant to Support Biden but Stick With Sen. Casey

…to vote for someone else and 8% are undecided. In a potential 2024 U.S. Senate Election, incumbent Democratic Senator Bob Casey holds an eight-point advantage over Republican challenger David McCormick, leading 41%…

Idaho 2024 Poll: Housing Affordability is a ‘Big Problem’ in the Gem State

…Office.  A majority of Idaho residents (67%) said that the cost of buying or renting a home in their area is a big problem in terms of affordability. Twenty-three percent…