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New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 1: Sanders Opens Commanding Lead

The first of a continuous eight-day 7 News/ Emerson College Polling tracking poll of New Hampshire Democratic Voters finds Senator Bernie Sanders with a commanding lead in the Granite State…

September 2020 National Poll: Biden Holds His Lead: Voters Split on Supreme Court Nominee Timetable

…Twenty-nine percent of Democrats were at least somewhat dissatisfied, compared with only 8% of Republicans. The plurality (45%) of Democrats plan to vote by mail, as compared to a majority…

The Common Good Index 2023

The Common Good Index 2023 is the second annual national index that quantifies and tracks levels of division, identifies causes and seeks ways to establish a unifying and constructive national…

Colorado, Missouri, Ohio, and South Dakota 2024 Polls: Biden Underperforming Among Women and Young Voters

…College Polling, said: “Both Biden and Trump are experiencing lower levels of support compared to 2020, with a higher degree of uncertainty among voters. Despite this, Trump appears to be…

Nevada 2020: Sanders with Comfortable Lead Heading into Caucus, Tight Race for Second Place

…supporters are most set in their candidate: 78% say they will definitely vote for him, followed by 72% of committed Warren supporters, and 72% of Sanders supporters. The majority of…

Virginia 2021: Competitive Governor’s Race and Division Over Critical Race Theory

…(82% to 15%) while McAuliffe leads with Democrats (90% to 6%). Among Independents, the majority (54%) support Youngkin, compared to 35% who support McAuliffe and 9% who are undecided.  Youngkin…

August 2023 National Poll: DeSantis Fades Into Tie with Ramaswamy; Trump Maintains Majority of GOP Support Ahead of Debate

…Trump.” Kimball continued, “Ramaswamy has made inroads among younger Republican Primary voters: 16% of voters under 35 support Ramaswamy, compared to 48% who support Trump and 15% DeSantis. DeSantis still…

Ohio 2022: JD Vance Leads Tim Ryan In Competitive Bid for US Senate; Gov. DeWine Holds 16-Point Lead Over Democratic Challenger

…Tim Ryan to win.  In the gubernatorial general election, Governor Mike DeWine has a comfortable 16-point lead outside the poll’s margin of error over Democrat Nan Whaley, leading 49% to…

Ohio 2022: Vance Holds Four-Point Lead Over Ryan; DeWine Maintains Comfortable Lead over Whaley

…a combination of online and in-person betting, 4% plan to bet online, 2% plan to bet in person at casinos, and 1% plan to bet in person at a stadium…