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Sanders Slips in New Hampshire; Biden, Warren Take Lead

…unsure. 30% think an independent commission should create the maps, while 23% do not favor an independent commission.  Party affiliation appears to be driving this issue, as Democrats and Independents…

New York 2022 Poll: Cuomo Is Potential Spoiler Candidate For Democrats In Governor Race

Zeldin, Giuliani, and Astorino Compete For Republican Nomination The latest Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill poll of New York voters finds that if former Governor Andrew Cuomo were to run as…

New York 2022: Zeldin-Hochul Matchup Likely for New York Governor’s Seat

…Regarding the seven-month suspension of the New York gas tax, a majority, 52%, of Democrats think the tax does not go far enough to combat inflation, compared to 75% of…

Michigan 2020: Democrats Aim to Take Back the State

The newest Emerson poll in Michigan finds former Vice President Joe Biden still leading the Democratic primary in the state with 34%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders at 28%. Compared…

January 2025 National Poll: Democrats, Republicans, and Independents Agree U.S. is on the Wrong Track

…rating in the final week of his presidency. Fifty-two percent disapprove of the job the president is doing in office. “President Biden closes his term with an approval rating 12…

Iowa 2024 Poll: Trump Remains Frontrunner; Haley Ahead of DeSantis in Race for Distant Second Place

…female vote while Haley has 21% of the male vote and 20% of the female vote. “Trump has the support of the Iowa Republican evangelical community and the non-evangelical community,”…

Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Republicans Are Undecided in Senate and Governors Races; McCormick and Oz Tied at 14% for Senate

…from office: 51% of voters are undecided and David McCormick and Mehmet Oz receive 14% respectively. No other candidate reaches double digits. Similarly, in the race for Governor, 49% of…

November 2024 National Poll: Trump and Harris Remain Locked in Tight Race

…past month, 6% in the last week, and 3% have not made up their mind.  Vice President Harris has a slight edge on Trump when it comes to favorability ratings:…

New York State Poll: Governor Cuomo Struggling Amid Controversies

…a higher rate (43% approval/40% disapproval) than men (56% disapproval to 33% approval). In comparison, President Biden has a 52% approval/33% disapproval job rating, while 15% are unsure. A majority…