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Nevada Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: Plurality of Hispanics Do Not Trust Democrats or Republicans To Handle Inflation

…Republican Party when it comes to Latinos. “The Democratic Party tends to use the Latino vote to get them to office.” She continued, “Like, during the election process, you would…

NYC Mayor 2021: Adams Stays Ahead but Rank Choice Voting Closes Gap for Wiley and Garcia

…rest of the field. Former City Hall counsel Maya Wiley and Former NYC Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia are battling for second, at 18% and 17%, respectively. Entrepreneur Andrew Yang is…

August 2019 National Poll: Sanders Closing Gap with Biden; Mayor Pete Fades

…36% support of those under the age of 50 compared to 11% support among those 50 and over. Biden, on the other hand, has the support of 21% of those…

New Hampshire 2020: Sanders Holds Lead; Klobuchar Surges to Double Digits

…loyal to their chosen candidate, while 53% might vote for someone else. Within this question, 57% of Klobuchar supporters are committed, compared to 56% of Sanders supporters, 49% of Buttigieg…

Super Poll Sunday: Polling in the Midwest Shows Biden Ahead in Michigan and Tight Races In Ohio and Iowa

The final Emerson College poll before the November 3rd election in Michigan finds the former Vice President Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump 52% to 45%. 3% of voters plan…

South Carolina 2024: Trump Leads Haley in South Carolina by 29-points

…DeSantis has seen a decline in support, and similar to our New Hampshire poll has faded into the pack with single-digit support” Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling,…

California 20th District Poll: Fong Leads Race to Replace McCarthy; Plurality are Undecided

…which candidate they support to replace Representative Kevin McCarthy ahead of the March 5, 2024 primary. Republican Assemblyman Vince Fong leads the pack of candidates with the support of 27%…

February 2021 National Poll: America Giving Biden a Chance; Split on Trump Impeachment

…19% saying they are neutral. Despite Biden’s relatively high approval, a majority (54%) state they believe things are on the wrong track in the country, compared to 46% who believe…

Emerson College Polling Launches New Research Project: Unlocking the Hispanic Vote

…when they get into office it’s completely different,” a 25-year-old man said. A 38-year-old project manager said “I don’t think that your vote matters, to be honest—when [politicians] are up…