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New Jersey 2025 Poll: Primary Elections for Governor Show High Share of Undecideds and Fragmented Democratic Support 

…New Jersey public and charter schools is widely supported: 74% support, 10% oppose, and 16% are neutral. Free kindergarten has the highest support among Democrats at 86%, compared to 67%…

NYC Congressional Polls: Voters Not Sold on DeBlasio in NY10; Maloney Has 10-point Lead Over Nadler in NY12

…in the 10th District, and Carolyn Maloney leading Jerry Nadler by 10 points in the 12th District. While a majority of voters in the 10th District spanning Brooklyn and Lower…

Iowa 2024: Biden and Trump Remain Frontrunners In Caucuses, But Both Losing Ground

…to 9% and Marianne Williamson dipped from 10% to 7%. Thirty-four percent are undecided.  “Biden has lost some support in the Democratic caucus, with a large number of voters being…

July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin

…42% economy, 10% threats to democracy, 10% housing affordability, 10% immigration Methodology The sample size for Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan is n=800 per state. The credibility interval for each state…

Virginia 2024 Poll: Trump 45%, Biden 43%

…Biden won by 10 points in 2020, the president is now essentially tied with Trump,” Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said. “Independent voters break for Trump, 46%…

July 2020 National Poll: Biden Maintains Lead in Presidential Race; Majority Support Nationwide Mask Mandate in Public Spaces

…declined from 10% to 4%. A majority of voters, 53%, still think Trump will be re-elected in November.  With the safety concerns of voting in person due to COVID-19, a…

Montana 2020: Trump Holds Strong as Biden Coalesces Support

…however, there is likely a ceiling to how close he can get”. The US Senate race appears competitive with incumbent Republican Steve Daines leading with 50% support. His Democratic opponent,…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…in 2016 which is a similar trend we have seen in other states around the country.”  President Trump’s popularity in New Jersey is about 10 points below his national numbers with The…

Ted Budd Solidifies Frontrunner Status in US Senate GOP Primary

…20% are less likely, and 28% say it makes no difference. Facing presumptive Democratic nominee Cheri Beasley in the general election, Ted Budd leads 48% to 41% with 10% undecided….