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New Hampshire 2020: Sanders Holds Lead; Klobuchar Surges to Double Digits

…loyal to their chosen candidate, while 53% might vote for someone else. Within this question, 57% of Klobuchar supporters are committed, compared to 56% of Sanders supporters, 49% of Buttigieg…

71% of New Yorkers Approve of Governor Cuomo’s COVID-19 Response, 38% Approve President Trump’s Federal Response

…and 10% think they should reopen between April 15th and April 30th.  When it comes to reopening non-essential businesses, results are similar. 16% of people think they should open between…

Majority of Residents in American Heartland Do Not Plan to Get Latest Covid Vaccine

…perception of the overall quality of healthcare in their region compared to the rest of the country — 37% of traditional Midwesterners said healthcare is better in their area, compared…

June 2019 National Poll: All Eyes on the Democratic Debates; Biden, Sanders and Warren Separate From the Field

…the rest of those running, into 3rd place – improving from 10% of the vote up to 14%. Senator Kamala Harris comes in fourth with 7%, Mayor Pete Buttigieg is…

Ohio 2020: Statistical Dead-heat with Biden, Sanders, and Warren in Democratic Primary

A new poll of Ohio voters finds a very competitive Democratic primary between former Vice President Joe Biden at 29%, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 27% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at…

October 2024 Massachusetts Poll: Harris 59%, Trump 36%

…67% would vote yes, 14% would vote no, and 20% are unsure. On Question 2, which would eliminate the requirement that a student pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS)…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 8: Sanders Heads Into Primary With Lead, Buttigieg Within Margin of Error

…Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 23%, Sen. Amy Klobuchar with 14%, Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 11%, and fmr. V.P. Joe Biden with 10%. No other candidate is above 4%. Data was…

Massachusetts 2020: Kennedy Leading Markey by 16 points in US Senate Race

…Biden is that only 54% of Massachusetts voters expect him to win the election, despite his holding a 30 point lead in the Commonwealth. 46% believe that Trump will win…

September 2020 National Poll: Biden Holds His Lead: Voters Split on Supreme Court Nominee Timetable

…Twenty-nine percent of Democrats were at least somewhat dissatisfied, compared with only 8% of Republicans. The plurality (45%) of Democrats plan to vote by mail, as compared to a majority…