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September 2023 National Poll: A Trump Bump In GOP Primary

…manufacturing companies, while 18% support the companies, 24% support both equally, and 16% support neither. Similarly, 42% side with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) labor union in its strike…

California Poll: Majority of California Voters Think Feinstein Should Resign

…the job President Joe Biden is doing in office, while 40% disapprove and 17% are neutral. Vice President Kamala Harris holds a 37% job approval for her role, while 42%…

April 2024 National Poll: Trump 46%, Biden 45%

Biden and Trump Supporters Rally Behind Same NCAA Tournament Teams: Iowa in Women’s and NC State in Men’s The April Emerson College Polling national poll finds 46% of voters support…

COVID-19 Research

…Hesitancy Among New York City Parents of Children Aged 5–11 Years Read The Study COVID-19: A Barometer for Social Justice in New York City Read The Study A global survey…

December 2020 National Poll: Trump Ends 2020 Where He Started

…asked to weigh in on Santa Clause’s naughty or nice list for this year. When asked about President Trump, 53% said he had been naughty, 36% said nice, and 11%…

September 2020 National Poll: Biden Holds His Lead: Voters Split on Supreme Court Nominee Timetable

…Twenty-nine percent of Democrats were at least somewhat dissatisfied, compared with only 8% of Republicans. The plurality (45%) of Democrats plan to vote by mail, as compared to a majority…

Alabama 2022: Britt Holds Double-Digit Advantage Over Brooks in Senate Runoff Election

…Director of Emerson College Polling said, “Britt’s initial ballot support in the runoff is higher among men than among women, she leads Brooks 55% to 31% among men compared to…

August 2019 National Poll: Sanders Closing Gap with Biden; Mayor Pete Fades

…36% support of those under the age of 50 compared to 11% support among those 50 and over. Biden, on the other hand, has the support of 21% of those…

Florida 2020: Biden with Commanding Lead in Sunshine State

The latest Emerson College/Nexstar poll of Florida likely Democratic Primary Voters finds former Vice President Joe Biden with 65%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders with 27%, and former Rep. Tulsi…