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April 2022 National Poll: Civics Education May Be Linked to Trust in Institutions; Biden Approval Holds at 42%

…these two groups in how they trusted different institutions. For example, 37% of those who did not take a civics class believe their state runs fair elections compared with 62%…

The Common Good Index Survey

Nebraska Poll: Trump Maintains Lead but Biden Cuts into 2020 Vote

…by independent voters, among whom he trails Biden 34% to 35%.” He continued, “While this data suggests Biden remains competitive for the second congressional district electoral vote, 56% of independent…

June 2019 National Poll: All Eyes on the Democratic Debates; Biden, Sanders and Warren Separate From the Field

A new national poll finds the Democratic field coming into focus as the candidates prepare for this week’s first debates. Joe Biden continues to hold his announcement bounce, and has…

Sanders Slips in New Hampshire; Biden, Warren Take Lead

…unsure. 30% think an independent commission should create the maps, while 23% do not favor an independent commission.  Party affiliation appears to be driving this issue, as Democrats and Independents…

New York 2022 Poll: Cuomo Is Potential Spoiler Candidate For Democrats In Governor Race

Zeldin, Giuliani, and Astorino Compete For Republican Nomination The latest Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill poll of New York voters finds that if former Governor Andrew Cuomo were to run as…

New York 2022: Zeldin-Hochul Matchup Likely for New York Governor’s Seat

…Regarding the seven-month suspension of the New York gas tax, a majority, 52%, of Democrats think the tax does not go far enough to combat inflation, compared to 75% of…

Michigan 2020: Democrats Aim to Take Back the State

The newest Emerson poll in Michigan finds former Vice President Joe Biden still leading the Democratic primary in the state with 34%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders at 28%. Compared…

January 2025 National Poll: Democrats, Republicans, and Independents Agree U.S. is on the Wrong Track

…rating in the final week of his presidency. Fifty-two percent disapprove of the job the president is doing in office. “President Biden closes his term with an approval rating 12…