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Arizona 2022: Dead Heat in Republican Gubernatorial Nomination; Masters With 18-Point Lead in for US Senate Nomination

…Taylor Robson favorably, intensity of their support is unique. Taylor Robson holds higher overall favorables (64%) compared to Lake (57%). However voters feel more intensely about Lake–39% view her very…

July 2024 National Poll: Trump 46%, Biden 43%

…1% support Cornel West and Jill Stein respectively. Voter motivation varies by race, age and party:  78% of Republicans are extremely motivated, compared to 65% of Democrats and 63% of…

June 2023 National Poll: Third Party Candidacy Could Derail President Biden’s Reelection Bid

…In the 2024 Republican Primary, former President Trump maintains a majority of Republican voters’ support with 59%, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with 21%, and former Vice President Mike…

February 2023 National Poll: 71% of Democratic Voters Think Biden Should Be 2024 Nominee

…Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for the GOP nomination, a four point decrease since last month when he held 29% support. Former Vice President Mike Pence holds 8%, and former UN…

Iowa 2024: Biden and Trump Start with Significant Leads in Party Caucuses

…in a comfortable position. Compared to his performance in the state in 2020 where he received about 16% of the final vote, less than a third of Democratic caucus voters…

July 2019 National Poll: Biden Extends Support While Bernie Bounces Back

…two.”  Voters appear less excited for the second set of Democratic debates coming up this week, with 57% of respondents planning on watching some or part of the debates compared…

Illinois 2020: Biden Leads Sanders in the Prairie State

The latest Emerson College/Nexstar Poll of Illinois likely Democratic Primary Voters finds former Vice President Joe Biden with a substantial lead in the Prairie State with 57%, followed by Senator…

Michigan 2020: Democrats Hold 10 Point Leads in Presidential and US Senate Races

A new Emerson College/NewsNation poll of the Great Lakes state shows former Vice President Joe Biden holding a ten-point lead over President Donald Trump. Fifty-two percent (52%) of voters plan…

Kentucky 2023 Poll: Beshear Holds 16-Point Lead Over Cameron in Gubernatorial Election

…disapproval; 28% of voters are neutral. President Biden holds a 22% job approval, while 62% of voters disapprove of the job he is doing in the Oval Office; 16% are…