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October 2022 National Poll: Biden Approval Drops As Republicans Congressional Control Chances Improve 

…or what voters blame for an increase in inflation, 43% blame the Biden administration, 22% blame corporate greed, 12% blame supply chain issues, 12% blame Putin and the war in…

Economic Toll Weighs Heavy on Colorado Hispanics, Poll and Focus Groups Find

…community for survey respondents at 14%. Non-registered citizens in the survey were more likely to report housing and crime as pressing problems facing their communities compared to voters. A 62-year-old…

April 2019 National Poll: Bernie Takes Lead for Democratic Nomination, Mayor Pete On The Move

…both an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines only (n=599) and an online panel provided by Amazon Turk (n=315). Visit our website at ​​.  Follow us on Twitter ​@EmersonPolling…

California Voters Split on Recalling Governor Newsom

…and teachers K-12 should not be required to wear masks in the classroom. However, California has announced all students and teachers K-12 will be required to wear masks in the…

Unlocking the Hispanic Vote Florida: Republican Party Just as Favorable as Democratic Party Among Florida Hispanics, Viewed Nine-Points More Positively in South Florida

…certain things and you don’t notice it, but they make packaging smaller, and you’re paying a higher price.” Several focus group members voiced concern over the economic toll on low-income…

CUNY New York City COVID-19 Survey Week 5

…commentary can be found at and JHC Impact, an initiative of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. Survey methodology: The CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY SPH) survey…

NYC Mayoral Poll: Adams New Leader in NYC Mayor Race As Field Remains Open

…were credible, and 27% were unsure. The poll indicates that voters’ familiarity with rank choice voting (RCV) is increasing, as 39% said they heard a lot about RCV, compared to…

February 2021 National Poll: America Giving Biden a Chance; Split on Trump Impeachment

…19% saying they are neutral. Despite Biden’s relatively high approval, a majority (54%) state they believe things are on the wrong track in the country, compared to 46% who believe…

North Carolina 2022: Budd Holds Five-Point Lead Over Beasley for US Senate

…and 21% are unsure or have no opinion. A plurality of voters (47%) support armed teachers in schools, while 35% oppose armed teachers, and 19% are unsure. Sixty three percent…