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The California Democratic Primary is shaping up into a three-way race; former Vice President Joe…

Date: 17th Sep 2019

In the “First in the Nation” New Hampshire Primary, the latest Emerson Poll finds the…

Date: 10th Sep 2019

In the latest Emerson national poll, former VP Joe Biden continues to lead the Democratic…

Date: 27th Aug 2019

A new Emerson Poll finds a very competitive primary shaping up for Super Tuesday 2020…

Date: 20th Aug 2019

In Emerson’s latest poll, former Vice President Joe Biden continues to lead the Democratic Primary…

Date: 30th Jul 2019

The first Democratic debate has shaken up the race for the Democratic nomination. Compared to…

Date: 09th Jul 2019

A new national poll finds the Democratic field coming into focus as the candidates prepare…

Date: 25th Jun 2019

A new Emerson Poll in North Carolina finds President Trump’s popularity underwater, with 52% disapproval…

Date: 04th Jun 2019

A new Emerson National Poll finds former Vice President Joe Biden with a bump from…

Date: 13th May 2019