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Virginia 2021: Competitive Governor’s Race and Division Over Critical Race Theory

…(82% to 15%) while McAuliffe leads with Democrats (90% to 6%). Among Independents, the majority (54%) support Youngkin, compared to 35% who support McAuliffe and 9% who are undecided.  Youngkin…

Kentucky 2023: Cameron, Craft, Quarles Top GOP Nomination Contest, 1 in 5 Undecided

…24%. Kentucky Agricultural Commissioner Ryan Quarles follows with 15%. Twenty-one percent of voters are undecided ahead of the May 16 primary.  “There is a gender divide within Republican primary voters,”…

September 2023 National Poll: A Trump Bump In GOP Primary

…manufacturing companies, while 18% support the companies, 24% support both equally, and 16% support neither. Similarly, 42% side with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) labor union in its strike…

New Hampshire 2024: DeSantis Fades, Trump Maintains Lead in Primary

…Hampshire in comparison to Massachusetts splits by party registration; 77% of Republican voters say New Hampshire was a much better place to live than Massachusetts, compared to 41% of Democrats…

November 2023 National Poll: Trump Maintains Lead Over Biden

…15% not at all excited.  Excitement varies by candidate support: 46% of Trump voters say they are very excited about the upcoming election compared to 29% of Biden voters.  Only…

Alabama 2022: Britt Holds Double-Digit Advantage Over Brooks in Senate Runoff Election

…Director of Emerson College Polling said, “Britt’s initial ballot support in the runoff is higher among men than among women, she leads Brooks 55% to 31% among men compared to…

Nevada 2020: Sanders with Comfortable Lead Heading into Caucus, Tight Race for Second Place

…supporters are most set in their candidate: 78% say they will definitely vote for him, followed by 72% of committed Warren supporters, and 72% of Sanders supporters. The majority of…

Florida 2020: Biden with Commanding Lead in Sunshine State

…definitely vote for the candidate they chose and 15% say there is a chance they could change their mind and vote for someone else. When it comes to what is…

Governor Cuomo’s Apology Not Enough as More Voters Believe Harassment Claims

…compared to 46% currently.  Another sign of the Governor’s struggles is that only a third (33%) of voters would re-elect him as governor in 2022. This is down from 36%…