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New Jersey 2025 Poll: Primary Elections for Governor Show High Share of Undecideds and Fragmented Democratic Support 

…New Jersey public and charter schools is widely supported: 74% support, 10% oppose, and 16% are neutral. Free kindergarten has the highest support among Democrats at 86%, compared to 67%…

July 2020 National Poll: Biden Maintains Lead in Presidential Race; Majority Support Nationwide Mask Mandate in Public Spaces

…unemployment benefits, 45% believe the $600 a week benefits that have been in effect to combat coronavirus-related unemployment should be reduced, while 18% think they should be increased and 37%…

Montana 2020: Trump Holds Strong as Biden Coalesces Support

…however, there is likely a ceiling to how close he can get”. The US Senate race appears competitive with incumbent Republican Steve Daines leading with 50% support. His Democratic opponent,…

Virginia 2025 Poll: Spanberger (D) 42%, Earle-Sears (R) 41%

…followed by housing affordability (14%), healthcare (10%), education (8%), threats to democracy (8%), crime (7%), immigration (7%), and abortion access (5%).  A plurality of voters (41%) feel their community’s safety…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…of somewhat uncertainty, with 33%. Republican voters lead amongst those who reported they will have no confidence in the election results, with 11% compared to 8% of Independents and 2%…

Ted Budd Solidifies Frontrunner Status in US Senate GOP Primary

…male voters support Ted Budd compared to 39% supporting Cheri Beasley, while female voters are split: 45% support Budd and 44% support Beasley.” President Joe Biden holds a 45% approval…

Illinois 2022: Republican Voters are Undecided in Gubernatorial and Senate Primaries; Split on Abortion Legality

…Piton at 6%, and Kathy Salvi at 5%. Republican primary voters were asked which of the following statements comes closest to their position on abortion: legal in all cases, legal…

Kentucky 2023 Poll: Beshear Holds 16-Point Lead Over Cameron in Gubernatorial Election

…can think of something that could make them change their mind.  Kentucky voters were asked separately which comes closest to their view on the 2016 and 2020 Presidential Elections: if…

Pennsylvania 2022 GOP Poll: David McCormick Leads Primary for U.S. Senate

…increases when undecided voters are asked who they lean towards, compared to Oz who seems to lack a clear base, and sees less growth than McCormick, Bartos or Barnette.” In…