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California Poll: Governor Newsom Facing Potential Recall

…the effort to recall Governor Newsom, 42% of California voters said they would vote to keep Newsom, 38% would vote to recall, and 14% were undecided. Six percent (6%) said…

Georgia Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: A Third of Hispanics View Trump and Biden Positively

…Growing Force In News Consumption To consume political information, 36% of Georgia Hispanics watch cable or network news whereas 34% utilize social media. A plurality of Georgia Hispanics under 35…

Nevada Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: Plurality of Hispanics Do Not Trust Democrats or Republicans To Handle Inflation

…or network news and 32% social media. Facebook was the most popular social media platform used for news at 26%, followed by Youtube at 19%, Tik Tok and Instagram both…

Encuesta Hispana de Nevada y Grupos Focales: La Pluralidad de Hispanos No Confían en los Demócratas o Republicanos para Manejar la Inflación

…de grupos focales para comprender las actitudes y creencias de los hispanos hacia los partidos políticos, asuntos de política, la votación y los medios de comunicación. El estudio de Nevada…

Spaniards More Hopeful than New Yorkers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

…Emerson College (Boston)/ Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations Center for Global Communication, compares the new survey in Spain with surveys of the entire United States and of the…

Encuesta Hispana de Georgia y Grupos Focales: 33% de los Hispanos ven a Trump y Biden positivamente 

…una combinación de una encuesta estatal y una serie de grupos focales para comprender mejor las actitudes y creencias de los hispanos hacia los partidos políticos, asuntos de política, la…

Despite Economic Hardship, Arizona Hispanics Stick With Democratic Party

…importance to me.” Others commented on the negative nature of cable or network news; “I hate watching the news because I feel like it’s always so negative. When’s the last…

New Yorkers say: Don’t re-open the economy before June – CUNY SPH COVID-19 Survey Week 6

…commentary can be found at and JHC Impact, an initiative of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. Survey methodology: The CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY…

California 2021 Recall: Governor Newsom Rebounds, Poised To Avert Recall

…Female voters are more strongly in support of keeping Governor Newsom, 63% to 37%, while male voters support keeping the governor 56% to 43%.  Newsom is leading with voters aged…