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December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

Social Media is the Primary News Source for Voters Under 30; 76% of Young Voters Say Their Parents’ Generation Had Better Economic Opportunity Than Their Own A new Emerson College…

California Poll: Governor Newsom Facing Potential Recall

…the effort to recall Governor Newsom, 42% of California voters said they would vote to keep Newsom, 38% would vote to recall, and 14% were undecided. Six percent (6%) said…

April 2022 National Poll: Civics Education May Be Linked to Trust in Institutions; Biden Approval Holds at 42%

…of those who had taken a class. On the question of what source is most credible: local news, cable news, or social media, a majority (58%) of those who did…

Economic Toll Weighs Heavy on Colorado Hispanics, Poll and Focus Groups Find

…when pressed, focus group respondents identify trust more in individual newscasters or news programs than the platform of television news itself.  “Sometimes it’s just a person that you prefer reporting…

Ohio 2020: Biden with Large Lead Over Sanders in the Buckeye State

The latest Emerson College/Nexstar Poll in Ohio of likely Democratic Primary Voters finds former Vice President Joe Biden with 57%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders with 35%, and former Rep….

California 2021 Recall: Governor Newsom Rebounds, Poised To Avert Recall

…Female voters are more strongly in support of keeping Governor Newsom, 63% to 37%, while male voters support keeping the governor 56% to 43%.  Newsom is leading with voters aged…

Nevada Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: Plurality of Hispanics Do Not Trust Democrats or Republicans To Handle Inflation

…or network news and 32% social media. Facebook was the most popular social media platform used for news at 26%, followed by Youtube at 19%, Tik Tok and Instagram both…

Newsom Clings to Lead in Recall While Crime Becomes a Top Issue for CA Voters

The latest Emerson College/Nexstar poll of the California gubernatorial recall election finds voters remain split, with 46% in favor and 48% against the recall of Gov. Newsom. Six percent (6%)…

Despite Economic Hardship, Arizona Hispanics Stick With Democratic Party

…political information, a plurality (49%) of Hispanic citizens turn to cable or network news, 28% consume social media for political information, and 17% turn to local news.  A 62-year-old Democratic…