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Wisconsin 2020: Biden Maintains Seven-Point Lead

…are continuing over the police shooting of Jacob Blake. When asked if the President should denounce the 17-year-old Illinois resident Kyle Rittenhouse who was charged with shooting three protestors, 44%…

New Hampshire 2020: Biden Leads Trump; Independents Splitting Their Ticket

…that the Senate should wait. Among Independent voters, a majority (54%) think the Senate should wait, while 44% say they should vote to confirm President Trump’s nominee Amy Coney Barrett….

Pennsylvania 2020: Biden Holds Edge in Home State; Trump Closing Gap

…Biden supporters, 84% think Coronavirus is a major threat and 15% said it was a moderate threat, compared to 15% of President Trump supporters who said it was a major…

Wyoming 2024 Poll: President Biden with 13% Approval among Wyoming Residents

…compared to all other Midwestern and surrounding states: 13% approve of the job Biden is doing while three out of four residents (75%) disapprove; 12% are neutral.  Governor Mark Gordon…

Arizona 2024: Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s Independent Candidacy Could Help Democrats for U.S. Senate

Trump Pulling Away From GOP Field, Independents Shifting on President Biden An Emerson College Polling survey of Arizona voters finds President Joe Biden with a 40% job approval, and 49%…

Republican Congressional Candidate Holds Eleven-Point Lead Over Democrat in OH-15 Special Election

…of Republican voters think he should run again. Half (50%) of Independents say he should not run again, 27% think he should, and 23% are undecided. Voters were asked about…

NYC 2021: Adams Poised to be Next Mayor of NYC, Leading Sliwa by 40 Points

…job she is doing as Governor, 26% disapprove of the job she is doing as governor, and 35% were neutral or had no opinion. The majority (54%) of New York…

Virginia 2021: Dead Heat in Governor and Attorney General Race

…should have more of an influence in the school’s curriculum, the majority (52%) think parents should have more of an influence compared to 33% who say school boards. Sixteen percent…

June 2023 National Poll: Third Party Candidacy Could Derail President Biden’s Reelection Bid

…Biden’s support decreases to 40%, Trump to 41%, and West holds 6%. Seven percent would vote for someone else and the share of undecided voters increases to 6%.  “When West…