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Maryland 2024 Poll: Former Gov. Larry Hogan Starts Strong in Election for Open Senate Seat 

…1% support Cornel West and Jill Stein respectively. Fourteen percent are undecided.  “While Trump’s vote looks like his 2020 share of voters at 32%, Biden underperforms by about ten points….

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…of somewhat uncertainty, with 33%. Republican voters lead amongst those who reported they will have no confidence in the election results, with 11% compared to 8% of Independents and 2%…

Ted Budd Solidifies Frontrunner Status in US Senate GOP Primary

…plurality, 38%, say they should make it easier to access abortion, whereas 36% say they should make it harder to access abortion. Twenty-seven percent (27%) think the legislature should not…

Michigan 2020: Democrats Hold 10 Point Leads in Presidential and US Senate Races

A new Emerson College/NewsNation poll of the Great Lakes state shows former Vice President Joe Biden holding a ten-point lead over President Donald Trump. Fifty-two percent (52%) of voters plan…

Georgia 2020: Showdown in Presidential and US Senate Races

…election, Trump is underperforming his 2016 numbers in Georgia, but he may benefit from competitive Senate races and generally greater enthusiasm among his voters.” Biden’s strength in the state lies…

September 2024 New York Poll: Harris 54%, Trump 40%

…comes closer to their view on abortion. A majority (69%) think there should be a federal law restoring a nationwide right to abortion in all states, like it was under…

Illinois 2022: Republican Voters are Undecided in Gubernatorial and Senate Primaries; Split on Abortion Legality

…should be legal up to 20 weeks, 15% say it should be legal in all cases, and 13% say it should be legal up to six weeks of pregnancy. The…

Georgia 2022 Poll: Herschel Walker Leads Senator Warnock 49% to 45%

…Regarding gambling legality in Georgia, a plurality (43%) of voters think gambling on professional sports should be legal in Georgia while 38% think it should not be. Regarding gambling on…

Arkansas 2024 Poll: About a Third of Arkansas Republicans Think Trump Should Choose Sanders as Running Mate

…choose his former press secretary as his running mate, or if he should choose someone else. A third of residents (33%) think Trump should choose someone else, while 29% say…