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Las Vegas 2024 Mayoral Primary Poll: Berkley 16%, Seaman 12%, Crear 7%

…of voters support former U.S. Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley, 12% support Republican City Councilwoman Victoria Seaman, and 7% support City Councilman Cedric Crear. A majority of voters (56%) are undecided…

December 2020 National Poll: Trump Ends 2020 Where He Started

…second stimulus check.” Overall, 68% of voters say their current finances are excellent or good, while 23% say their finances are not good and 9% report their finances are poor….

New York’s 3rd Congressional District Poll: Suozzi Holds Slight Edge Over Pilip

…50% have an unfavorable view of him. Forty-seven percent of voters have a favorable view of Pilip, while 47% have an unfavorable view of her. Seven percent are not familiar…

September 2019 National Poll: Warren Surges, Biden Slips, and Sanders Holds, Creating Three Way Dead Heat for the Nomination

…support war with Iran, with 66% saying the US should not go to war with Iran, while only 12% support such action. Professor Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson Polling, notes, “Perhaps,…

Missouri 2020: Biden with Slim Lead on Sanders

…strongest with voters whose household income is under $50,000 a year as he gets 52% support among that group compared to Biden who gets 42%. With voters whose household income…

Wisconsin 2020: Biden Maintains Seven-Point Lead

…past year and a half, this is similar to the Emerson March 2019 Wisconsin poll that found Biden ahead of Trump by eight points, 54% to 46%.   The most popular voting option…

New Hampshire 2020: Biden Leads Trump; Independents Splitting Their Ticket

…they are extremely excited. Thirty-one percent (31%) of Biden voters say they are only mildly or not that excited, compared to 14% of Trump voters that feel mildly or not…

Pennsylvania 2020: Biden Holds Edge in Home State; Trump Closing Gap

…a moderate or minimal concern are breaking for Trump. In these last four weeks, both candidates can be expected to continue arguing about the impact of COVID, as this appears…

Republican Congressional Candidate Holds Eleven-Point Lead Over Democrat in OH-15 Special Election

…(19%) or somewhat familiar (32%), while a combined 49% are not very familiar (34%) or not at all familiar (15%) with the issue. Thirty-three percent (33%) said the corruption issue…