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NYC 2021: Adams Poised to be Next Mayor of NYC, Leading Sliwa by 40 Points

…When the undecided voters are allocated towards the candidate they said they are leaning towards, Adams expands his lead to forty points, 70% to 30%. Majorities of all age categories…

Virginia 2021: Dead Heat in Governor and Attorney General Race

…while rural areas are breaking towards Youngkin (57% to 42%). The suburbs are slightly leaning towards Youngkin (49% to 48%). While the race is tight, the majority (55%) of Virginia…

June 2022 National Poll: Biden With Higher Approval Than US Congress & Supreme Court; Trump Leads GOP Nomination Contest

…to legalize abortion,” Kimball said.  Congressional legalization of the right to abortion has the highest support among 18-29 year olds: 76% support a federal legalization of abortion, compared to 59%…

Missouri 2022: US Senate Primary Battles in Missouri: Republican Schmitt Surges as Greitens Drops

…Seventeen percent of voters are undecided. These undecided voters were asked who they are leaning towards supporting next week. When their support is allocated to the candidates total support, Schmitt’s…

New Mexico 2022: Democratic Governor Lujan Grisham Holds Five-Point Lead Over Ronchetti in Gubernatorial Election

…and 41% view Ronchetti unfavorably. Nine percent are unsure or have never heard of Ronchetti, compared to 2% who have not heard of or are neutral toward Lujan Grisham.  “Of…

Missouri 2022: Republican Eric Schmitt Maintains Double Digit Lead Over Democrat Trudy Busch Valentine

…of police commissioners, while 47% are not too familiar or not at all familiar with it. Forty-four percent plan to vote yes on Amendment 4, while 22% plan to vote…

January 2023 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Recovers Two Years into Term, Trump Maintains Lead over DeSantis in GOP Primary

…the Northeast are more concerned than those in the rest of the nation about ‘threats to democracy’ at 16%, compared to 8% of those in the South and Midwest.” Voters…

Georgia 2024 Poll: Trump 46%, Biden 42%

…and 42% support President Joe Biden in a likely 2024 presidential matchup. Twelve percent are undecided. When undecided voters are asked which candidate they lean toward, Trump’s support increases to…

July 2019 National Poll: Biden Extends Lead in Democratic Primary, Trump Closes the Gap in the General Election

…region, income, and education based on 2016 turnout modeling. It is important to remember that subsets based on gender, age, party breakdown, ethnicity and region carry with them higher margins…