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October 2019 National Poll: Biden, Sanders, Warren Maintain Front Runner Status in Democratic Primary

…support from 18-29 year olds, 17% from 30-49 year olds and 44% of voters over 50. Warren continues to pull similar support from those under 50 and those over 50….

California 20th District Poll: Fong Leads Race to Replace McCarthy; Plurality are Undecided

…than women, 36% to 19%,” Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, noted. “Forty-six percent of women are undecided compared to 24% of men. Women voters are more supportive…

January 2024 National Poll: Trump and Biden Remain Neck-and-Neck in Likely Rematch

…are neutral. A majority of Republicans (51%) think Israel should continue fighting, while 22% think they should negotiate with Hamas, and 27% are neutral. Independents are more split: 32% think…

New Mexico 2020: Democrats Strong in the Land of Enchantment, but Split Between Sanders and Biden for Nomination

…It appears if Sanders and Biden are able to emerge as the top two candidates, they are set up for a close showdown in New Mexico – but the race…

Maryland 2024 Poll: Former Gov. Larry Hogan Starts Strong in Election for Open Senate Seat 

…the state are headed in the right direction, while 38% think things are on the wrong track.  In a potential presidential election between President Joe Biden and former President Donald…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 2: Sanders Lead Extends Further

…State at 32% support. Former VP Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren are next with 13%, following them is Senator Amy Klobuchar and Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 12%. No…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 3: Buttigieg Gets An Iowa Bounce, Sanders Maintains Strong Lead

…at 32%. Former VP Joe Biden comes in third at 13%, followed by Senator Amy Klobuchar at 11%, and Senator Elizabeth Warren at 11%. No other candidate reached double digits….

Emerson College Survey Finds Audience Favors Joker for Best Picture

…popular expert predictions for 1917, Parasite, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Moreover, some of the best predictors in Hollywood are the Producers Guild Awards, the Directors Guild Awards, and the Screen…

South Carolina 2020: Biden Poised to Win His First Contest

…planning to vote for him, 19% are voting for Biden, 14% are voting for Steyer, 8% are voting for Buttigieg, and 3% are voting for Warren. Sanders is getting the…