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Pennsylvania 2022 GOP Poll: David McCormick Leads Primary for U.S. Senate

…Sands with 8%, George Bochetto with 4%, Sean Gale with 3%. Thirty-three percent (33%) are undecided. Undecided voters were then asked who they are leaning towards. When undecided voters are…

South Carolina 2024: Trump Leads Haley in South Carolina by 29-points

…said. “A key question arising from this poll is whether Haley can mobilize ample support in her home state before the primary, in the case the race becomes more competitive…

New York State Poll: Former Gov. Cuomo Potentially Trails Gov. Hochul by Four Points in Democratic Primary

…14% are unsure. That said, if former Gov. Cuomo does challenge Gov. Hochul in the Democratic primary, a hypothetical ballot test shows him trailing Hochul just by four points, 37%…

Texas 2022: Beto and Abbott Matchup Likely in Governor’s Race; AG Paxton Tries to Avoid Runoff in Republican Primary

…and former Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman at 12%. Fourteen percent (14%) are still undecided. When undecided voters are allocated to who they are leaning towards, Paxton expands his…

Georgia 2020: Incumbent Republicans with Slight Advantages in Senate Run-Offs

…little crossover support, which suggests one party should win both seats.” Age Differences The Democratic base of support lies with 18-29-year-olds, who are breaking for Warnock with 71% of the…

Rochester Mayor Race: Spouse Arrest May Help Incumbent Mayor

…to 31%. When asked about the recent news of Mayor Warren’s husband’s arrest on drug and weapons charges, 83% of Democratic voters report that they are following the story somewhat…

NYC Mayor 2021: Adams Stays Ahead but Rank Choice Voting Closes Gap for Wiley and Garcia

…rest of the field. Former City Hall counsel Maya Wiley and Former NYC Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia are battling for second, at 18% and 17%, respectively. Entrepreneur Andrew Yang is…

Iowa 2024: Biden and Trump Remain Frontrunners In Caucuses, But Both Losing Ground

…a caucus, and 41% of women are undecided.” Kimball continued, “While both Biden and Trump have lost some support in Iowa, it does not appear that any other candidate has…

California 2021 Recall: Governor Newsom Rebounds, Poised To Avert Recall

The last Emerson College/Nexstar Media poll finds Governor Gavin Newsom peaking, with 60% of voters voting against the recall, while 40% are voting to recall the governor. This is the…