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Majority of Americans find the US-UK alliance to be more important than it was five years ago

60% of Americans think the submarine deal between the US, UK, and Australia will positively affect global security A new Emerson College poll, commissioned by the Association of Marshall Scholars,…

Michigan 2024: Trump and Biden on Course for Tight Rematch

…are undecided.  When Green Party candidate Cornel West is added to the ballot, Trump receives 43%, Biden 41%, West 4%, and 4% support someone else. Seven percent are undecided upon…

Michigan 2020 Primary – Biden With Strong Lead, but Sanders Waiting in the Wing

…64%-36% with 18-29 year olds; Trump leads 53%-47% with 65+ Klobuchar v. Trump: Klobuchar leads 65%-35% with 18-29 year olds; Trump leads 52%-48% with 65+ In a potential US Senate…

Unlocking the Hispanic Vote Florida: Republican Party Just as Favorable as Democratic Party Among Florida Hispanics, Viewed Nine-Points More Positively in South Florida

…individuals and young people. “It’s like they are running the lower income people out of Florida. And they’re lowering the middle class to a lower income,” a 44-year-old Republican male…

April 2019 National Poll: Bernie Takes Lead for Democratic Nomination, Mayor Pete On The Move

…more compared to last year, with 29% saying they are paying less, and 35% saying they are paying about the same. Of those who said they were receiving a tax…

2020 Texas: Biden and Beto in Dead Heat in Democratic Primary.

…and 44% are unsure of their choice. Kimball adds, “It is clear that Hegar has some work to do to sow up party support, as Hegar gets only 25% of the…

May 2019 National Poll: Biden Back In the Lead for the Democratic Nomination

…biased against people with particular political beliefs, 21% do not, and 29% are unsure. The bias issue splits along party lines, with 71% of Republicans identifying a bias, as compared…

North Carolina 2020: Biden with Early Lead on Trump and Democratic Primary Field

…46% in 2016, carrying the Tar Heel State and its 15 electoral votes. While the President remains popular within the Republican Party – Trump leads former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld…

Ohio, Texas, and California 2020: Trump with Narrow Leads in Ohio and Texas, but has Widespread Expectation of Being Re-elected

…and 43% are comfortable going to the gym with some spacing precautions. In Texas, 40% are comfortable going to a restaurant, 58% are comfortable going to the beach or a park,…