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South Carolina 2020: Biden Poised to Win His First Contest

…2020, n=550, +/-4.1%. Compared to the last Emerson College poll of South Carolina from March 2019, Biden and Sanders have risen four points each, Buttigieg has gained 11 points, Klobuchar…

Texas 2020: Sanders with Slight Lead Over Biden Heading Into Super Tuesday

…and Businessman Tom Steyer at 2%.  Compared to the last Emerson College poll of Texas in August, Sanders gained 15 points, Biden dropped two points, Warren fell three points, Klobuchar…

Illinois 2020: Biden Leads Sanders in the Prairie State

…53% support Bernie Sanders, and 38% Joe Biden. Among voters over 50, 72% support Joe Biden, and 22% Bernie Sanders.  When it comes to deciding who they will vote for…

July 2020 National Poll: Biden Maintains Lead in Presidential Race; Majority Support Nationwide Mask Mandate in Public Spaces

…unemployment benefits, 45% believe the $600 a week benefits that have been in effect to combat coronavirus-related unemployment should be reduced, while 18% think they should be increased and 37%…

Connecticut 2022 Poll: Lamont Leads Stefanowski in Gubernatorial Election

…age limit for elected officials, 35% say there should not be an age limit compared to 44% of 18-29 year olds,” Kimball said. Voters were asked what statement comes closdest…

Ted Budd Solidifies Frontrunner Status in US Senate GOP Primary

…male voters support Ted Budd compared to 39% supporting Cheri Beasley, while female voters are split: 45% support Budd and 44% support Beasley.” President Joe Biden holds a 45% approval…

Florida 2020: Biden Holds Slight Edge Three Weeks Out

…undecided, and one percent plan to vote for someone else. When it comes to how voters plan to cast their ballot this November, 35% plan to vote in-person on election…

Georgia 2020: Showdown in Presidential and US Senate Races

…election, Trump is underperforming his 2016 numbers in Georgia, but he may benefit from competitive Senate races and generally greater enthusiasm among his voters.” Biden’s strength in the state lies…

North Carolina 2022 Poll: Ted Budd Holds 16-point Lead in Republican Primary for U.S. Senate; Leads Potential Matchup Against Democrat Cheri Beasley

…increase in gas prices, while 18% blame gas and oil companies, 16% blame gas and oil sanctions against Russia, 9% blame the supply chain, 5% blame Putin, 4% blame COVID-19,…