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April National Poll: 3 in 4 US Voters Say Cost of Living is Rising

…Despite ongoing discussion regarding the cost of a college education, the highest education correlates with higher incomes, with postgraduates reporting the highest income, 26% earning over $150,000. Methodology The Emerson…

December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

…while 24% disagree.  This sentiment decreases with age: 71% of those in their 30s believe their parents’ generation had better opportunities, compared to 70% of voters in their 40s, 62%…

Chicago Residents Say Crime is Top Priority for City

…one issue. Compared to the WGN-TV/Emerson poll in June, crime has risen six points as a top issue, from 38% to 44%. All other issues were below 12%: Covid-19 (12%), education/schools…

D.C. POLL: 64% of Residents Would Find Trump Guilty Ahead of Trial

…will fall outside the range of scores 1 in 20 times. Data was collected by contacting an online panel, cell phones via SMS-to-web, and landlines via Interactive Voice Response (IVR)….

2024 Supreme Court Survey 

…37% support adding justices to the Court and 24% are unsure.  Younger voters are generally more supportive of expanding the court compared to older voters, 42% of voters under 30…

June 2019 National Poll: All Eyes on the Democratic Debates; Biden, Sanders and Warren Separate From the Field

…to 48%. Their continues to be a gender divide regarding the President: among males 47% approve and 47% disapprove, as compared to females where 49% disapprove and 39% approve. Trump continues…

New York 2022 Poll: Cuomo Is Potential Spoiler Candidate For Democrats In Governor Race

Zeldin, Giuliani, and Astorino Compete For Republican Nomination The latest Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill poll of New York voters finds that if former Governor Andrew Cuomo were to run as…

New York 2022: Zeldin-Hochul Matchup Likely for New York Governor’s Seat

…Regarding the seven-month suspension of the New York gas tax, a majority, 52%, of Democrats think the tax does not go far enough to combat inflation, compared to 75% of…

Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Republicans Are Undecided in Senate and Governors Races; McCormick and Oz Tied at 14% for Senate

…likely to vote for that candidate, and 26% report that it makes no difference.” When it comes to fair elections, Democrats and Republicans disagree: 75% of Democrats think the state…