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New York State Poll: Governor Cuomo Struggling Amid Controversies

…a higher rate (43% approval/40% disapproval) than men (56% disapproval to 33% approval). In comparison, President Biden has a 52% approval/33% disapproval job rating, while 15% are unsure. A majority…

September 2021 National Poll: Americans Say US Lost War in Afghanistan; Blame Bush

…vaccine policies. A majority (59%) of voters agree that businesses have the right to require their employees to get vaccinated, while 32% disagree, and 9% are unsure. There is a…

July 2022 National Poll: Midterm Ballot Tightens As Abortion Access Motivates Voters

…approval remains unchanged since last month’s survey. US Congress holds an 18% job approval and 66% disapproval.  “President Biden faces challenges in the court of public opinion when it comes…

Nevada Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: Plurality of Hispanics Do Not Trust Democrats or Republicans To Handle Inflation

…a survey and a series of focus groups to better understand Hispanic attitudes and beliefs towards politics, policy issues, voting, and media. The Nevada study follows statewide studies of Hispanics…

Illinois 2024 Poll: Biden Holds Nine-Point Lead Over Trump

…in other Midwest polling,” Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, noted. “Trump competes with Biden among voters whose highest degree is college, leading 37% to 33%, whereas Biden…

January 2020 National Poll: Biden and Sanders Battle in Two-Way Race for Democratic Nomination

…issues (14%). While among Sanders supporters, their top three issues were health care (37%), the economy (23%) and the environment (20%). Kimball notes that “while the Democrats have struggled to…

Sanders Slips in New Hampshire; Biden, Warren Take Lead

…the least important issue of the eight asked with 3%. However, there are stark differences in what issues Republican and Democratic voters think are the most important. For Republicans, the…

March 2020 National Poll: 70% of Americans Worried About Catching Coronavirus

…personal finances. A plurality (42%) are very concerned about their personal finances, 36% are somewhat concerned, with 33% not so concerned. Concerning personal health, 26% are very concerned, a plurality…

May 2022 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Drops to 38%; 1 in 3 Say Memorial Day Travel Plans Were Impacted By High Cost of Gas

…baby formula shortage in the United States. Female voters are more concerned about the baby formula shortage than their male counterparts: 82% of women are concerned compared to 73% of…