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Precisando el Voto Hispano en la Florida: El Partido Republicano es Igual de Favorable que el Partido Demócrata, y Visto Más Positivamente por Nueve Puntos Entre Hispanos en el Sur de la Florida

…y el dinero. Porque muchos de estos candidatos… no hacen cosas solo porque alguien los respalda con millones y millones de dólares… gobernadores, senadores, alcaldes, todos. Y luego Trump… bueno,…

September 2023 National Poll: A Trump Bump In GOP Primary

…manufacturing companies, while 18% support the companies, 24% support both equally, and 16% support neither. Similarly, 42% side with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) labor union in its strike…

Impacto Económico Pesa Mucho Sobre Hispanos en Colorado, Según Encuesta y Grupos Focales

…Colorado, “era como sabes que ese es tu deber cívico, vives en un país libre. Así que ya sabes, tienes derecho a votar.”  A los votantes de Colorado se les…

December 2024 National Poll: Young Voters Diverge from Majority on Crypto, TikTok, and CEO Assassination 

…them acceptable, while 59% find them unacceptable, this compares to 12% of Republicans and 16% of independents who find the actions acceptable, underscoring shifting societal attitudes among the youngest electorate…

February 2023 National Poll: 71% of Democratic Voters Think Biden Should Be 2024 Nominee

…between 35 and 49, 61% of those between 50 and 64, and increases to 67% of those over 65.” In the 2024 Republican Primary, President Donald Trump continues to hold…

NYC Mayoral Poll: Adams New Leader in NYC Mayor Race As Field Remains Open

…were credible, and 27% were unsure. The poll indicates that voters’ familiarity with rank choice voting (RCV) is increasing, as 39% said they heard a lot about RCV, compared to…

Georgia Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: A Third of Hispanics View Trump and Biden Positively

…a statewide survey and a series of focus groups to better understand Hispanic attitudes and beliefs towards politics, policy issues, voting, and media. The Georgia study follows statewide studies of…

Governor Cuomo’s Apology Not Enough as More Voters Believe Harassment Claims

…knowledge on this issue. However, voters have maintained a similar attitude from earlier in the week, with 44% saying Cuomo should resign over the nursing home issue, compared to 45%…

A Pesar De Las Dificultades Económicas, Los Hispanos de Arizona  se Adhieren al Partido Demócrata

…de las elecciones, tendrás todos estos votos mal contados y es como, ¿cómo ganó este tipo cuando ya tienes todos estos votos y luego tienes tus votos por correo? Y…