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Emerson College Survey Finds Audience Favors Joker for Best Picture

…people go to the movies or watch movies on streaming services. Interestingly, 83% of respondents attend the movies at least a few times a year and 83% watch movies on…

Ohio 2020: Biden with Large Lead Over Sanders in the Buckeye State

…chance they could change their mind and vote for someone else. When it comes to deciding for whom they will vote for President, a plurality of voters, 36%, agree that…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…margins of error, as the sample size is reduced. Data was collected using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines (n=267) and an online panel provided by MTurk (n=233)….

October 2024 Massachusetts Poll: Harris 59%, Trump 36%

…to grow and possess limited quantities of those substances in their home, and would create a commission to regulate those substances, 50% would vote yes, 44% would vote no, and…

Buffalo, NY: Incumbent Mayor Brown Leads Mayoral Race with Write-In Campaign

…list with 26%. Other listed issues were housing (15%), police reform (12%), education (10%), development (10%), jobs (10%), Covid-19 (6%), healthcare (3%) and homelessness (2%). Six percent (6%) of voters…

Massachusetts 2022: Healey Leads Diehl By 18 Points; Majority of Massachusetts Voters Approve of Biden

…Independents are split: 35% say it makes them less likely, 33% say it makes no difference, and 32% say it makes them more likely to vote for Trump in 2024. …

Illinois 2022: Democratic Incumbents Pritzker and Duckworth Leads Shrink as Republican Challengers Bailey and Salvi Gain Support

…size is reduced. Data was collected using cell phones via SMS-to-web, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines, web survey via email, and an online panel. ### INTERACTIVE REPORT…

New York 2022: Hochul’s Lead Over Zeldin Tightens; Independent Voters Flip Toward Zeldin

…of scores 1 in 20 times. Data was collected contacting cell phones via SMS-to-web (n=265), an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines (n=574), and an online panel of 18-34…

October 2024 National Poll: Trump 49%, Harris 49%

…with a confidence interval of 95% a poll will fall outside the range of scores 1 in 20 times.  Data was collected by contacting cell phones via MMS-to-web text, landlines…